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Parallel and Distributed Computing Overview and Syllabus Professor Johnnie Baker Guest Lecturer: Robert Walker.

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1 Parallel and Distributed Computing Overview and Syllabus Professor Johnnie Baker Guest Lecturer: Robert Walker

2 Instructors Professor Johnnie W. Baker –Primary Lecturer Professor Robert Walker –Guest lectures on specific architectures –Guest lecture on his groups VLSI work on parallel architectures Possible guest lecturers from parallel processing group –Possible lecture in area of expertise –Also, may cover class, if I have to be absent.

3 Prerequisites Designed to be accessible to all graduate students in computer science Students who are not CS graduate students may also be qualified to take course

4 Textbook and References Textbook –Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP –Michael Quinn, author –Published by McGraw Hill in 2004 References for Supplementary Reading –Classroom Slides will also include additional information from a wide range of sources –Any additional required reference material will be handed out or posted on course website

5 Some Features of Course Includes coverage of fundamental concepts of parallel computation, rather than focusing only on latest trends. – Often quickly outdated due to rapid technological changes Also covers the currently popular cluster architectures, shared memory processors, and the MP language. –This is the focus of the Quinn Textbook

6 Course Features (cont.) Covers the common techniques for parallel computation by looking at three key features for each technique: –Typical architectural features –Typical programming languages used –Typical algorithm design techniques used.

7 Some Specific Topics Fundamental concepts applicable to all parallel computation. Asynchronous (MIMD) distributed memory computation –Message passing communications –Programming using the MPI Language –Architectural features –Examples of typical algorithms

8 Specific Topics (cont.) Asynchronous (MIMD) shared memory computation –Symmetric Multiprocessors or SMPs –Perhaps brief OpenMP language overview Synchronous Computation –SIMD, vector, pipeline computing –Associative and Multi-Associative Computing –Introduction to associative programming using ASC language –Programming on ClearSpeed system with Cn –Algorithm examples

9 Specific Topics (cont.) Interconnection Networks –Specific computer networks including 2D mesh, hypercube, etc. –Synchronous and asynchronous network considerations Comparing MIMD & SIMD Computation using a Real-Time Application –ATC (Air Traffic Control)

10 Some Benefits of Course While the focus is on parallel computation, most information is applicable to distributed computing. There is a wide choice of thesis and dissertation topics in this area Several professors in department work in this area or make major use of parallel computation in their research Students working on a thesis or dissertation in another area may benefit from being able to use parallel computation in their work.

11 Benefits (cont.) Most large computational problems require a parallel or distributed system to satisfy the speed and memory requirements Parallel computation currently has major advantages over both distributed computation and grid computation for computational intensive problems. –Programs are normally much simpler –Architectures are much cheaper –Efficient use of Grid computing as a “massive compute engine” is fairly futuristic.

12 Two Complementary Courses Parallel & Distributed Computing (present course) –Architectures –Languages –Parallel Programming –Algorithm Examples for some architectures Parallel & Distributed Algorithms (Probably next Fall) –Important Parallel Models –Designing Efficient Algorithms for Various Models –Expect to be next offered in Spring 2009 PDC and PDA can be taken in either order –My preference is for PDC to be taken first

13 “Parallel Real-Time Systems” Course Will be offered this Spring as an online course Co-taught with Professor Drew at Ohio University Plan to have projects on implementing part of a basic ATC system on a ClearSpeed parallel computer. The PDC class should provide useful background information for this course.

14 Assignments and Grading Homework assignments –Problems assigned for most chapters –Probably 4-6 different assignments –Some assignments will involve programming Course Grade –Based on homework, midterm, and final –Approximate weights Homework 40% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam 30%

15 Course Website Website will be established quickly at Previous course site is available for reference this semester at Class slides, assignments, and many references will be posted on this website. –Previous lecture slides from PDC-F07 may be useful. Slide sets will be revised, but usually not extensively. Also, an online reference textbook (by Akl) and a pointer to a second online reference textbook (by Foster) will be available at this site. –Currently available at PDC-F07 site –Akl’s book must be kept password protected. (Ask me for password, if wish to access electronic version.)

16 Current Assignment Read Chapter 1 in textbook in advance of my coverage of it.

17 Accessibility Statement University Policy 3342-3-01.3 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Accessibility Services (contact 330- 672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).

18 A&S Cheating & Plagiarism Statement The College of Arts & Sciences “Cheating & Plagiarism” policy applies to this class. A statement of this policy is available at A PDF version formatted for printing is at the site A link to this statement will be posted on the website for this course.

19 Registration Requirement The official registration deadline for this course is September 7, 2008. University policy requires all students to be officially registered in each class they are attending. Students who are not officially registered for a course by published deadlines should not be attending classes and will not receive credit or a grade for the course. Each student must confirm enrollment by checking his/her class schedule (using Student Tools in FlashFast) prior to the deadline indicated. Registration errors must be corrected prior to the deadline.

20 Slides will be Posted This set of slides will be posted at

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