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NATO LIONS NEWSLETTER No 2 dated 24 th May 2010 Welcome to the second Newsletter. The.

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Presentation on theme: "NATO LIONS NEWSLETTER No 2 dated 24 th May 2010 Welcome to the second Newsletter. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATO LIONS NEWSLETTER No 2 dated 24 th May 2010 Welcome to the second Newsletter. The aim of the Newsletter is to keep everyone informed about current and future activities. Farewell to “Trav” and “V”. Unfortunately we have had to say farewell again to another 2 of our key players – “Trav” and “V”. An excellent send off in Pozzuoli, these guys have been pivotal to the success of the LIONS. They were true Ambassadors to the Club, both on and off the field. We wish them all the very best in the future and hope that they will be able to keep in touch. Fixtures. The team continue to struggle with fixtures, but managed to play a couple of games against Torre Del Greco and CUS Napoli. Our next game against the British Army Medical Regiment, based in Germany, will be on Sat 26 th June and will mark the official end of season. –Sat 26 Jun (Medical Regiment). –Sat 18 Sep (3 YORKS Army team). 7’s Tournaments. Attached to this Newsletter is a Performa detailing planned future activities. It is vital that you fill in the Performa at the earliest opportunity, and no later than Wed 16 th June, to allow for future planning to support these events. Pass it to any of the Team or Staff if you are unable to attend training or do not have access to the internet. –3 Jul (Gaeta Beach Tournament). –16-18 Jul (Milan 7’s Tournament). –24-26 Sep (Munich 7’s Competition). NATO LIONS Web Site. The web site continues to be the best means of keeping in contact for future events, team statistics, training, photographs, videos and reports from the games. Please register at the above web address, even if you only have limited access to the internet. The email facility also provides me the easiest method to pass you information, particularly at short notice. Newsletter Content. Please pass your ideas, comments and content for inclusion in the next Newsletter to Graham Pardew or via the web site. Caption Competition. The Newsletter would not be complete without the famous caption competition below. Personalised NATO LIONS Rugby Kit. Your personal LIONS rugby shirts will arrive very soon. I need payments of 30 euros each as soon as possible please!! Training/End of Season. Next 15s training Wed 16 Jun, 1800hrs at Carney Park. End of 15s season Sat 26 Jun. 7’s training 30 Jun - 18 Jul. New season 15s training from Wed 25 Aug. Future Events. (Charlie Chester needs helpers!!) Brit Fete (NATO LIONS Stand) Sat 12 Jun @ the BCC. LIONS End of Season Function Sat 26 Jun @ the BCC. Torre Del Greco Game. The picture below says it all !!!! Editor - Graham Pardew If you are not registered with the Club you are not insured to train or play in any games. Please support the LIONS by purchasing the latest embroidered Polo Tops. The tops will be worn on all future tours and away games.

2 LIONS TOURS 2010 - PERFORMA Gaeta Beach Tournament - Sat 3 Jul (Still awaiting registration details!!) Travel down to Gaeta beach on Sat 3 Jul by our own private transport and partake in the competition. Cost 10 Euros for Beach Shirts and 20 Euros for entry per person. Milan Sports Festival and Rugby 7’s Competition (16-18 Jul) Transport: Private transport to Naples Airport. Fly from Naples to Milan on 16 th, returning on 18 th Jul. Accommodation: Military Barracks or Hotel (TBC). Dress: Rugby kit and sports equipment. Suit and tie for evening Gala Dinner. Cost (euros): Flights 100, Entry 15, Gala dinner 35, accommodation free (TBC). Payment will be required beforehand to book flights. Aim to claim back costs less gala dinner and personal purchases, through MWA. Itinerary: Event presentation evening Fri 16 Jul, sports festival (golf/mountain biking) Sat 17 Jul, rugby tournament starts at 4pm (4 senior male, 2 females teams), Gala Dinner late evening, prize giving Sun 18 /Jul. Munich 7’s Competition 24-26 Sep Transport: Private transport or flights to Munich on 24 th Sep and returning on 26 th Sep. Accommodation: RVs/Camping, or Hotel (TBC). Cost (euros): Personal contribution 100 Euros. Fund raising activities TBC. MWA funding for transport/accommodation etc TBC. PLEASE RETURN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION BY NO LATER THAN WED 16 TH JUNE 2010 To: Graham Pardew From: Date of Birth: NATO ID Card: Email: Telephone: *I will/will not attend the Gaeta Beach Tournament on Sat 3 Jul (cost 30 euros). I will*/will not attend the Milan 7’s Tournament 16-18 Jul and accept to pay a personal contribution of 150 Euros (if required). *I am available to fly from Naples am/pm on Fri 16 Sep. *I wish/do not wish to attend the Gala Dinner on Sat 17 Sep after the rugby tournament (35 euros), cost included in the personal contribution total above. *I will/will not attend the Munich 7s Competition 24-26 Sep and accept to pay a personal contribution of 100 Euros (if required).

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