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Replace with Destination Name Replace with student first name only.

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Presentation on theme: "Replace with Destination Name Replace with student first name only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Replace with Destination Name Replace with student first name only

2 Reasons I chose (replace with destination) Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Include picture that represents destination Include source for image

3 Trip Dates Your trip must be planned for 5 days including travel. List the dates here Provide details why you picked this time of year

4 Websites I used… Name of websiteDescriptionURL

5 Travel date and times to travel to destination Dates and times to travel home from destination

6 Lodging Where are you going to stay? include picture of hotel and amenities Why did you choose this hotel?

7 Attractions Include a slide with details about each activity or attraction you are going to do. Include images that represent the attraction Cite your sources for each attraction on each slide

8 Itinerary Make an itinerary for each day. See below for example. Day 1 – Travel from home to Watertown by car. Fly to Atlanta, GA. Check-in to hotel. Day 2 – visit Coca Cola museum in the morning. Attend Braves game in evening. Day 3 --

9 Trip Cost Summary $$$ Cost $$$ Transportation Hotel Meals/Snacks Activity/Attraction$$$ Activity/Attraction$$$ Activity/Attraction$$$ Add other lines as needed Total

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