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+ School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Annual Report, 2011-2012 Michelle Smith, Co-Chair Garrett Mize, Vice-Chair Tracy Lunoff, MEd, AISD Supervisor of.

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Presentation on theme: "+ School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Annual Report, 2011-2012 Michelle Smith, Co-Chair Garrett Mize, Vice-Chair Tracy Lunoff, MEd, AISD Supervisor of."— Presentation transcript:

1 + School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Annual Report, 2011-2012 Michelle Smith, Co-Chair Garrett Mize, Vice-Chair Tracy Lunoff, MEd, AISD Supervisor of Comprehensive Health Services

2 + Austin ISD SHAC AISD SHAC Annual Report, 2011-12 District-wide impact of school health Better academic testing scores correlate directly with better FitnessGram scores Students with a BMI in the “unhealthy” range score lower on academic tests Unhealthy students miss more school days Teenage pregnancy results in poor attendance and dropout Violence, bullying, and dating abuse can lead to low self- esteem, poor academic performance, and missed school days.

3 + Austin ISD SHAC Parents, Community Leaders, School Personnel, Content Experts Areas of focus include Family/Community Involvement, PE and Physical Activity, Nutrition, Health Education, Social and Emotional Wellbeing, Safe and Healthy Environment, Health Services, Staff Wellness Working together to improve the health of all students and families through coordinated school health programs. AISD SHAC Annual Report, 2011-12

4 + AISD SHAC 2011-2012 Goals and Accomplishments Social and Emotional Learning: Reviewed outcomes from the Child and Youth Mental Health Planning Partnership and recommended shifts in policy and programming addressing suicide prevention, bullying and sexual harassment Physical Education: Supported the continuation of FITNESSGRAM® testing beyond the minimum requirements of current legislation Healthy School Environment: Worked with AISD Facilities Management to create process and guidelines for establishing gardens on school grounds Recess Policy: Studied recess policy and best-practices and submitted recommendation in best interest of teachers, students, school, and district. Nutrition: Assisted with the review of district vending contract Evaluation: Reviewed findings of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Health Education: researched and discussed changes to District Human Sexuality programming, policy, and educator training Created social media presence Worked with district staff to ensure alignment of SHAC bylaws with changes in legislation AISD SHAC Annual Report, 2011-12

5 + 2012-2013 SHAC Goals Finalize district recess policy and support implementation Develop an evidence-based recommendation regarding Human Sexuality education Support district nutrition and food services programming and policy, especially in regard to new federal meal guidelines Continue to monitor Social and Emotional Learning initiatives Provide a forum for parents, district staff, and community members to discuss school health programs and policies AISD SHAC Annual Report, 2011-12

6 + Questions and Comments Michelle Smith, Co-Chair, SHAC Garrett Mize, Vice-Chair, SHAC Tracy Lunoff, MEd, Supervisor, Comprehensive Student Health Services and Liaison to SHAC AISD SHAC Annual Report, 2011-12

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