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Weather-Sensing Fabulous Weather-Sensing Data-logger! Introducing the… 100% designed and manufactured at the Vigyan Ashram FabLab!

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Presentation on theme: "Weather-Sensing Fabulous Weather-Sensing Data-logger! Introducing the… 100% designed and manufactured at the Vigyan Ashram FabLab!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather-Sensing Fabulous Weather-Sensing Data-logger! Introducing the… 100% designed and manufactured at the Vigyan Ashram FabLab!


3 Topics What it is and how to use it (Demos) Why we made it How it works (sort of) How we made it How you can make more!

4 What is a Weather-Sensing and how is it used? What is a Weather-Sensing Data-logger, and how is it used?





9 Why do we need a Weather-Sensing ? Why do we need a Fabulous Weather-Sensing Data-logger ?

10 How does it work? (What’s going on down there?)

11 The Circuit

12 CPU = Brain =

13 Clock = Heartbeat =

14 Buttons = Ear =

15 LCD = Mouth =

16 Memory = Memory = 16 kB ????? kB

17 Sensor = ear/eye/skin/ nose/etc =

18 Information 0V, 5V, 1001001 0V 5V A, B, C, D Aa k p ma 0110110101001110 01101101011110 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 fablab Aamabaa =

19 Code = Instructions How to wash your plate: Rinse plate with water. Empty water into bucket. Wait in line for sink. At sink, apply soap to plate. Scrub plate. Rinse with water. Submit for inspection

20 Communication =

21 It All Comes Down To: Hardware (Stuff you can touch) Software (Stuff you can’t touch) Firmware (Something in between)

22 So there you have it!

23 The design process (i.e. why did we have to spend ALL that time in the FabLab?)

24 What and Why? Problem Definition: What are we trying to do and why? Questions

25 How? Hardware, Software and Firmware Specification: How are we going to do it? Breaking The problemInto Parts ThatWeCan DealWith

26 Using What? Setting Up the Design Environment: Finding and learning the tools we need.

27 With What? Parts Procurement: Getting the bits and pieces we need

28 Design Build Test Evaluate Implementing the solution Answers

29 An Indication of Complexity Software: 2000 lines of code! Firmware: 1500 lines of code! Hardware: Three prototypes Many many hours of design, testing and debugging.

30 High level state diagram v5 Initialization Upload data Sensor test “Show sensor readings” request Receive setup data Take readings and log data Display status Status request UART: on any character Timer interrupt every 0.01 sec INTERRUPTS (ISRs) Task done Task done Setup request Upload request Task done ISRs process button pushes, Uart, timers.(Specific states may have some interrupts disabled). ISRs set flags that are examined within states at appropriate times. No state transitions occur before tasks complete. State transitions are determined only in one of the two idle states. Idle Task done Status request Test request Log interval timeout Eventually we may want to allow data logging to cause an exit from Display Status and Sensor Test Modes Task done Main loop Do setup -on uart rx “S” Sensor Test – on “ST” key press Display status – on “DS” key press Log Data – on logging Interval ” Upload Data – On uart rx ‘U” STATE REQUESTS Start/Stop Logging Clear memory – On uart rx “C Start/Stop logging – on button press

31 Vigyan Ashram Weather Logger Software application state diagram Help pages Main Menu Setup Establish Connection To Datalogger Quit Upload Clear Memory [S]etup, [U]pload [C]lear Memory [Q]uit Failed to connect and user does not want to retry, or, Device is still logging and user does not want to stop logging. Success [H]elp [B]ack Completed task Completed task or [B]ack

32 [S]etup, [U]pload [C]lear Memory Ask user: Retry / Back? [R]etry Logger response? [B]ack Invalid or no response Ask user: Stop logging or Go Back? Ask chip to stop logging Establish Connection: Receive ‘L’ (logging enabled) Receive ‘A’ck Logger response? Timeout Error msg Main Menu Send ‘S’, ‘U’ or ‘C’ [S]top logging Send ‘D’ Receive ‘D’ Success msg End comm with logger Send ‘Q’ to logger Setup or Upload or Clear memory modes Success msg Flowchart for “Establish Connection” state User presses any key Notes: -Every time we ask the user for input, we provide a message if the input is not valid. [B]ack

33 How to make your own Weather-Sensing ? How to make your own Fabulous Weather-Sensing Data-logger ?

34 Mill!

35 Drill!

36 Solder!

37 Enclose!

38 Results


40 Future Additions Other sensors –Rain gauge –Solar radiation sensor –Wind speed/direction sensor USB Wireless

41 Please Keep In Touch Michelle: Scottie:

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