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Physical Science A Syllabus

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1 Physical Science A Syllabus



4 Course Description What is Physical Science?
Semester 1: Intro to Chemistry Semester 2: Into to Physics In Physical Science we will be studying God’s complex creation and worshiping him by wanting to know more about him through what he gave us.

5 Teacher Mike Jacobs
Phone: no calls after 9:00 Free periods: 5th and 6th Taught at Denver Christian for 4 years, 2 summers in China, 3rd year at CCHS

6 Materials Book Calculator Notebook with paper Pen or pencil Planner
Any worksheets or homework A fun loving attitude

7 What we will be studying
Chapter 1: Nature and methods of Science 1. In an experiment a hypothesis is different than a theory because: A) A theory can be proved, a hypothesis can not B) A hypothesis can be proved, a theory can not C) They are the same thing

8 Chapter 4 Atomic structure
2. There are a total of four forces in the universe, what force is keeping you from falling through your seat right now: A) electromagnetic force B) gravity C) strong force D) weak force

9 Chapter 3: States of matter
3. In the diet coke/mentos experiment what makes the reaction? A) acid base reaction B) nuclear reaction C) nucleation D) Ionic bonds being broken

10 Chapter 5: Periodic table
4. We all know that the best part of knowing the chemicals is blowing them up, as you go down the periodic table do elements become: A) more reactive B) less reactive

11 Chapter 6: Chemical bonds
5. We all know the hardest substance on earth, but how is it bonded: (hint, it likes to share electrons) A) covalent B) ionic C) love D) super glue

12 Chapter 7 Chemical reactions
6. If I open up your parent’s car’s gas tank and drop a match in, will the car explode? A) yes B) no Bonus: Why or Why not?

13 Chapter 17 Waves and sound
7. When something goes past you it changes its pitch from high to low, this is called the Doppler effect. Is this a change in the wave’s: A) amplitude B) wavelength C) frequency D) wave speed

14 Robotics 8. When you write a program where the robot repeats a string of commands this is called a: A) repeat B) do over C) loop D) Jessica Simpson

15 Chapter 18: Light and the electromagnetic spectrum
9. Scientists fear that your cell phone may cause brain tumors because cell phones communicate with what type of electromagnetic waves: A) UV B) Infra red C) X rays D) Microwaves

16 Chapter 14: Work, force, power and the electromagnetic spectrum.
10. In my bedroom I have watt light bulbs, if I leave them on all day (12 hours) I will waste how much money? A) $1.02 B) $ .52 C) $ .22 D) $ .12

17 Chapter 11: Force and Motion
11. If I jump out of a plane, before my parachute opens I will fall: A) straight down B) at a 45 degree angle down and forward C) at a curve going forward and down D) at a 45 degree angle backwards

18 Electricity and magnetism
12. What can kill you A) 20,000 volts B) 10,000 volts C) .1 amps D) .03 amps

19 Water Rockets 13. Last year the best rocket I saw launched about 152 yards. The best angle to launch your rocket for the maximum distance is: A) 30 degrees B) 45 degrees C) 55 degrees D) 90 degrees

20 Evaluation Cumulative points out of points possible (giant fraction)
Worksheets/ homework: 1 point per question Quizzes: points, 1-2 quizzes per chapter Tests: 100 points Exam: 20% of semester grade, not cumulative Participation: fudge factor

21 Doing well in HS 1: Always pay attention in class and ask question when you do not understand what is being covered. 2: Always do your homework 3: Read your notes 5-10 min every night, circle anything you do not understand and ask me the next day 4: See me outside of class or call me at home if you have questions. 5: Use your review sheets and review questions to study for the test. But make sure your are understanding concepts not just memorizing them.


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