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POLICY AND PROCEDURE Crisis Leave Pool October, 2008.

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1 POLICY AND PROCEDURE Crisis Leave Pool October, 2008

2 Leave Pool Committee Members Sue Aysen, John Ford, Rodney Hodges, James Irwin, Stacey Latka, Kay Legendre, Mike Naquin, Ali Tabor, Stacey Nichols POLICY RESEARCH Policies in place at Northwestern and Southeastern were reviewed, as well as the Board of Supervisors and Civil Service Rules. The committee participated in a conference call with Southeastern’s Human Resources Director, inquiring as to the success of their leave pool program and suggestions they could offer. Northwestern’s policy/procedure was used as a model for the initial draft of this policy/procedure. The committee worked through several drafts thereafter, until a satisfactory final draft was completed specific to the needs of Nicholls State. As a result, two pools have been established: The Crisis Leave Pool The Shared Sick Leave Pool

3 Approval Process Approval sought and received by: Unclassified Advisory Council Classified Advisory Committee President’s Executive Council President’s Cabinet University of Louisiana System (Sick Leave Pool) Civil Service (Crisis Leave Pool)

4 CRISIS LEAVE POOL Policy Overview The Crisis Leave Pool Program is a means of providing paid leave to an eligible employee who has experienced a catastrophic illness or injury to themselves or an eligible family member which will cause the employee to take leave without pay or terminate employment. The pool consists of leave hours donated and used, and the intent of the program is to provide assistance to employees who, through no fault of their own, have insufficient accrued leave to cover the crisis leave period.

5 Donating to the Crisis Leave Pool Must retain three (3) days of accrued annual leave at all times for personal use. No more than 30 days (240 hours) of accrued annual leave can be donated per fiscal year. Donations to the pool are irrevocable. Annual leave only can be donated. Donations will be made to the pool, not to an individual employee. Donations to the pool are not required to be eligible to withdraw from the Crisis Leave Pool. If you choose to donate, please do so in 1 day (8-hour) increments to reduce the amount of paperwork to the Payroll Office. Complete the Leave Pool Donation form and forward directly to the Payroll Office.

6 Applying for Crisis Leave Leave used from the pool does not have to be paid back. Employees are limited on the number of hours that can be drawn from the pool: - 30 days (240 hours) per fiscal year - 100 days (800 hours) total participation Days/hours shall be transferred from the pool as they are used. Unclassified employees may draw from only one of the pools per fiscal year. You do not have to be a contributor of leave to apply for leave.

7 Employee or eligible family member must be suffering from a serious illness or injury that is not occupationally related. Employees receiving worker’s comp or long-term disability benefits are not eligible to withdraw from the pool. Must be full-time and eligible to earn annual leave according to University leave policy and procedure. Must have attained permanent status (classified), or one year of service (unclassified) to be eligible to donate or use leave. Must have exhausted all appropriate accrued leave (annual, sick, comp) before requesting crisis leave from the pool. Must have exhibited satisfactory attendance with no history of leave abuse, and is not absent due to disciplinary reasons. Must provide appropriate documentation from LMSP. Unclassified employees may draw from only one of the pools (Crisis or Shared Sick Leave) per fiscal year. Eligibility

8 Crisis Leave Request Review A Review Committee will be established consisting of two classified employees, two unclassified employees, two faculty members, the Director of Human Resources, and the Payroll Supervisor (ex-officio). The Director of Human Resources will serve as committee chair and will vote only in the case of a tie. The Committee will act to support the administration of the Program, review the pool, and when not otherwise specified in written policy, may recommend operational guidelines and procedures for the Program.

9 Conclusion Thank you, committee members, for your service to the University. The Leave Pools can work only if positive enforcement is present. The Pools are intended as temporary relief from a critical and dire situation. The review committee will be charged with a serious task; frivolous applications will not be approved. Only catastrophic situations will be considered. General drives for leave contributions will be conducted periodically. Nicholls is a giving community, and we believe this cause will be no different. You may have to consider that someday a dear friend, a co- worker, or even yourself may in need of leave to carry them/you through. Your contributions to the pool are much appreciated.

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