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ATTENDANCE Absences Excused vs. Unexcused Parent Notes Doctor Notes Consequences Notification of Absence Leaving School Early Pre-Approved Absences Tardies.

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Presentation on theme: "ATTENDANCE Absences Excused vs. Unexcused Parent Notes Doctor Notes Consequences Notification of Absence Leaving School Early Pre-Approved Absences Tardies."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATTENDANCE Absences Excused vs. Unexcused Parent Notes Doctor Notes Consequences Notification of Absence Leaving School Early Pre-Approved Absences Tardies

2 Attendance Is #1 !!! Goal of 98% or better attendance 3 to 4 absences per year THIS IS NEW! ONLY 3 parent notes per quarter are allowed For illness/emergency After 3 parent notes you must have a doctor’s note to be excused. Or pre-approved absences

3 Make sure Parent Notes include the following: Date of Absence Student Name (1 name per note) Reason for Absence Parent/Guardian Signature

4 You must have a note! Please be aware that you will be assigned AEP(alternate educational placement) immediately upon your return to school IF you do not have a note. 1 Day of AEP for each ½ day absent So 1 full day unexcused = 2 Days of AEP You will have until the date of your AEP to supply that note, otherwise you will be expected to serve your AEP(s) as assigned.

5 This is the form used to notify you and your parent(s) of AEP/Extended School assignment. The white copy goes to the student. The yellow copy goes to the assistant principal. The pink copy gets mailed to parent(s).

6 ADDITIONAL CONSEQUENCES Students ALSO receive A ZERO for school work given on a day of (UNEXCUSED) ABSENCE. BONUS: Students missing two or less days in a semester (with tardies counting as half day absences), may exempt an exam if carrying an “ A” in that subject.

7 TELEPHONE CALL WHEN STUDENT IS GOING TO BE ABSENT Our Number is 855-4116 ; Attendance Office push 2 We appreciate a call as early as possible. You can leave a message after pressing 2 If we don’t get a call from you we must make a call to your home to verify your knowledge of the students absence. If unable to make contact we must send a postcard to your residence. After 3 days of absences with no contact from a parent, we must notify the Montgomery County Attendance Officer.

8 LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY Bring note from parent to attendance office first thing in the morning. Informing us of the time the student is to be dismissed. NO student leaves the building without parental permission and signing out in the attendance office. (this would be considered a truancy). If student leaves at 2:08 or after and presents a doctor note or court note to excuse this, the absence will not be entered into the data. However if there is no doctor or court note this will be considered as a half day absence.

9 Pre-Approved Absences If you know your student is going to be absent from school in advance: (These are used primarily for College Visits-field trips and for Vacations-absences) Send a note to the Attendance Office prior to date(s) of absence. That note will be attached to a pre-approval form and submitted to both the student's teachers and the principal for approval. If absence is approved, it will not count against the 3 Parent Note allowed absences.


11 You need to be in your classes on time. 4 minute class changes. 1st tardy = free 2nd tardy = free 3rd tardy= Detention 4th tardy = Detention 5th-7th = Extended School 8th-10th= AEP (Possibility of 7 in a day)

12 If you are tardy to 1 st Block, you MUST visit the Attendance Office. You will receive a Tardy slip to be given to your 1 st Block Teacher. Tardies to other Blocks will be handled by the teacher. Tardies are unexcusable.

13 ATHLETES & ALL CURRICULAR ACTIVITY PERSONEL REMEMBER!!! ARRIVE BY 8: 10 AM OR YOU DON’T PARTICIPATE THAT DAY!!! Any partial day's absence must be excused with a doctor's or court note in order to participate.

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