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INDUCTION TO STUDENTS  Introduction To Staff.  Academy’s Rules & Regulations.  Your Rights And Responsibilities.  Health And Safety.  Fire Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "INDUCTION TO STUDENTS  Introduction To Staff.  Academy’s Rules & Regulations.  Your Rights And Responsibilities.  Health And Safety.  Fire Safety."— Presentation transcript:




4  Introduction To Staff.  Academy’s Rules & Regulations.  Your Rights And Responsibilities.  Health And Safety.  Fire Safety Procedures.  Equal Opportunities Policy.  Academy’s Attitude Towards Racism.

5 Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Afazur Rahman Academic Head: Mr Rabiul Islam Marketing / Welfare officer: Mrs Shana Khan Finance officer: Mrs Shana Khan

6  Mr. Rabiul Islam  Mr. Narayan Bhattarai  Mr. Iftekhar Chowdhury

7  All cell phones / mobiles must be switched off during the class  Students are expected to conduct themselves in a sensible and responsible manner at all times.  Students must all show respect, care, concern and consideration for others which includes students, tutors, staff and visitors.  There is no food or drink allowed in the classrooms.  Serious misconduct will lead to disciplinary action and may result in suspension and exclusion.  Attendance will be monitored constantly.

8  Students who are late for class on three consecutive days may be subject to disciplinary action.  If you have any disputes with the Academy, its staff or any student, please bring the matter forward in order for it to be resolved as soon as possible.  All students will be issued an identification card, which they should carry at all times at Academy or on academy outings. The card remains the property of the Aacademy.  Information to students, tutors, staff, and parents will be informed by a newsletter.

9  You have the right to complain if your are not happy with our services.  You have the right to choose and advice.  You have the responsibility to take care of the Academy property.  You have the responsibility to follow all the rules & regulation.

10  Students must not touch any cable or equipment which looks like faulty or damaged.  Students must take few mints brake after hour or so when they are sitting on the computer.  Don’t forget to blink regularly when sitting in front of a monitor.  Always sit properly and straight when sitting on a computer to avoid any injury or pain.  Always sit an arm’s distance away from the monitor to avoid damage to your eyes.

11  Details regarding First Aid provision are posted throughout the Academy. Lists of duty first aiders are held at Main Reception and appear regularly in Focus. If you need first aid assistance contact the Admin Office, who will call a First Aider for you. There is a First Aid box at admin office.

12  Altamira Training Academy operates a NO SMOKING POLICY. We expect you to show consideration for others and not smoke within Academy Premises. The Academy has a fundamental legal and ethical obligation to prevent controlled substance abuse and to maintain an alcohol/drug free work and educational environment.

13  This is your Academy - we want you to learn and have fun in a safe and healthy environment. For this we rely on you and everyone who works or studies. The Academy Health & Safety Policy outlines responsibilities and arrangements for Health & Safety within the Academy. A copy of the Policy can be obtained from the admin office and the website.

14  In case of fire, press the alarm button.  Leave the building immediately as directed by the fire exits sings.  Do not go back for any of your personal belongings.  Call 999 for fire bridge.  Supervise and assist any disabled students to the fire assembly point.  DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIGHT THE FIRE.

15  Go to the fire assembly point.  Make sure that your name is signed off on the register at the assembly point.  Never attempt yourself to put the fire off.  Do not risk your life.

16  Age  Disability  Gender  Religion  Marital status  Nationality  Race  Ethnic origin  Financial status  Political views or affiliations  Sexual orientation  Mental health problems  Family responsibilities  Or any other reason As the matter of principle the Academy, the Academy will not discriminate any member of the community who will be treated less favourably then another on any of the following grounds.

17  The Academy will not tolerate any kind of racism on the premises or in the classrooms.  Any student found to be involve in these acts will cause in result of a disciplinary action and you may be suspended or excluded.

18  All the Altamira Training Academy Full-time students should maintain a attendance of 85%.  Students must attend classes as directed by the Academy during term time. Where attendance falls below accepted level by the Academy, students are either suspended or may not be allowed to take examinations.

19  Absence of three days or more must be supported by a medical certificate from the student's doctor  Students must make it a point of duty to be punctual to classes. Persistent late comers will be suspended from the Programme.  Absents students are contacted by phone or email upon missing the two lectures continuously.

20  When a student is absent for more than three consecutive sessions, he/she is issued with warning letter and if the student concern does not comply with the instruction of the Academy his/her name would the withdrawn from the programme.

21  When you enrolled for the ATA and completed your Learning Agreement you signed to abide by the ATA Code of Conduct. We expect you to:  Be responsible for your learning.  Attend regularly and punctually - 100% is your target - and inform us if you can't attend.

22  Complete all homework/coursework and/or assignments on time and as well as you can.  Meet your tutor regularly to discuss and review your progress.  Attend all exams (as appropriate).  Observe all of the Academy's rules as outlined in this section.

23  Co-operate with members of staff and students, inside and outside of the classroom.  Be polite and respectful to staff and to other students.  Take care to behave in a way that will help us to keep the academy a safe learning environment.  Smoke only in designated areas.

24  Follow our rules about not taking or selling illegal drugs.  Make use of the services and facilities we provide.  Make use of the opportunities we give you to enjoy your time at the academy

25  ATA Policies: Please consult the Administrator for all the policies in place at any time for a full copy of the policies. Full list policies are also available on the Academy website. It is the responsibility of the students to read and understand the rules and policies relating to the students

26  For further information, you are advised to contact: 132 Eric Street, Mile End London E3 4SS United Kingdom Phone: 02089839981 Email:

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