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ATTRIBUTION Prof. Dr. Rana ÖZEN KUTANİS Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis.

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Presentation on theme: "ATTRIBUTION Prof. Dr. Rana ÖZEN KUTANİS Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATTRIBUTION Prof. Dr. Rana ÖZEN KUTANİS Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis

2 ATTRIBUTION Attributions are judgements about what caused a person’s behavior. (we try to explain why they behave in certain way) It is an analytic thinking process in which cause-effect relationship is revealed. For accurate attribution process, perception process shouldn’t consist an error.

3 Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Causes Affecting Attribution 1) Internal: characteristics of the person led to the behavior. (She missed the deadline because she is careless and lazy.) 2) External:something about the situation caused the person’s behavior. (she missed the deadline because she couldn’t get the information she need in a timely manner.) ATTRIBUTION PROCESS Observation → Interpretation → Attribution of cause

4 Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis FACTORS AFFECTING ATTRIBUTION Distinctiveness Refers to whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations. (Does the person behave in this way in other situations? No:high-external/ Yes:low-internal) Consensus Refers to respond in the same way when people face a similar situation. (Do other people behave in this way in similar situations? No: low-internal/ Yes: high-external) Consistency Do people respond in the same way in different situations over time? (Does the person have a history of behaving this way at other times? Yes: high-internal/ No: low-external)

5 Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis ATTRIBUTION MODEL Antecedent: Datas,Beliefs, Motivation Attribution: Perceived Causes(Internally / Externally) Consequence: Behavior, Response, Expectation

6 Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Reasons that individuals base their failure/success on: 1-Ability 2-Effort 3-Task Difficulty 4-Luck

7 Locus of Control Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Do you believe that you can control the events that have effect on you? Internal LOC: the person who have an internal LOC believes that he/she can control his/her life. External LOC: they believe that their decisions and their life are controlled by environmental factors which they can not influence. Student with external LOC doing poorly in the exam?

8 Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis ERRORS IN ATTRIBUTION 1)Fundemental Attribution Error: Overestimating the personel causes for other’s behavior while underestimating the situational causes.. *To a student who didn’t do his/her homework Teacher:”You’re incapable”. *Failed student’s blaming his/herself for everyone passing the exam and saying, “I’m incapable and silly” →It is wrong to over-value person and person related factors and under-value the other factors.

9 Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis 2)Self Serving Bias: Occurs when people attribute their successes to internal and personal factors but attribute their failure to situational factors beyond their control. *I got a 100/ Teacher gave me a 20. *To say “it would be better if they didn’t exist” when we have problems. *I try the best but the team doesn’t work.

10 Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis THANK YOU...

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