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Digilearn and Online Interactive Activities. Benefits of digital interactive activities Web based resources; student access at home Students can access.

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Presentation on theme: "Digilearn and Online Interactive Activities. Benefits of digital interactive activities Web based resources; student access at home Students can access."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digilearn and Online Interactive Activities

2 Benefits of digital interactive activities Web based resources; student access at home Students can access activities quickly and easily Reduces the need for photocopying Activities can be more readily differentiated for different students Class management Safe online navigation Student independence Edutainment value

3 Accessing online interactive activities Links to online interactives can: feature on clickable activity sheets on your school network be located on your student homepage available on a wiki for ready access by your students

4 Websites with themed links

5 How digital interactives can be used in meaningful ways Digital resources can and should be integrated into the learning sequence; not used as stand alone-activities Digital interactives provide endless opportunities to readily personalise learning and move away from lock- stepped, one-size-fits-all instruction Each student can potentially have their own digital learning program through the creation of personalised clickable activity sheets. The teacher can select activities appropriate to any given student to create a customised activity sheet

6 Digital games can be useful strategies in providing formative assessment data and ongoing assessment. Teachers can monitor students’ completion of different digital object activities by sticking a class roll record sheet by the computers Students can use personal checklists to log their use of these resources Students can use record sheets to log their scores How digital interactives can be used in meaningful ways cont.

7 Digilearn

8 Digilearn You will require your T0 pin number and Edumail password to login Locating resources – search by learning area and use broad search terms; select appropriate year levels Once you locate a resource you’d like to view, click on its title to open, then click preview

9 Digilearn – student access Students can access the Digilearn resources from the computers in your school by using the Student Access Link There are times when it may be easier to for students to access learning objects from your school’s network In this case you will need to download the required learning objects to your school’s network or your own laptop.

10 Digilearn – downloading objects Once you have located the objects you would like to save, select Add to Cart When you have finished adding objects to your cart, you can then select the Download Cart tab at the top of the page When prompted you will need to select a location for these files Your downloaded files will be ‘zipped’ (compressed) so you will need to extract them. Right click on the file to select the extract all option. The learning object is now ready to use You may prefer to rename the object files with recognisable names such as Animals at the Zoo instead of “L1356”

11 Digilearn – student access to downloaded objects There are multiple files in these object folders Student access can be simplified by providing them with documents with hyperlinks to these objects ExampleExample Simply hyperlink to the html index file in the object folder

12 Digital Learning Resources Humanities Goldrush

13 Locating other digital resources There is an enormous number of digital resources freely available online. You can build up a huge bank of digital learning resources at absolutely no cost if you know where to look. Try using the term “interactive” in your search terms. For instance a search for “nouns interactive” yielded: Grain Valley School District Free Resources for the Primary Classroom

14 Locating other digital resources Other useful sites include: Top 100 interactive games

15 BBC Schools learning resources for home and school

16 National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

17 Crickweb

18 Woodlands Junior School

19 Funbrain

20 Smartkiddies Maths Challenge Games

21 Create a Graph

22 What 2 Learn

23 Primary Games

24 Classtools To utilise very effective thinking tools on your IWB try going to

25 Delicious

26 Network wiki A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content. The presentation and notes from today’s session will be available on the network wiki

27 Login Username: TT Password: tEACHEr

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