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EXPERIENCE OF THE FIRST COURSE PAPER WRITING Mid-seminar March 30, 2012 The course paper Academic writing References Aim.

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Presentation on theme: "EXPERIENCE OF THE FIRST COURSE PAPER WRITING Mid-seminar March 30, 2012 The course paper Academic writing References Aim."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXPERIENCE OF THE FIRST COURSE PAPER WRITING Mid-seminar March 30, 2012 The course paper Academic writing References Aim

2 The course paper Students’ views Teachers’ views Assessment Advice re course paper Comments and track changes

3 Academic writing Who, what and how Use references

4 References – why and how provide background (summarising research in an area) build on existing, previous studies show familiarity with existing work credit previous work avoid unnecessary repetition place the text in a scientific context

5 References – why and how show influences acknowledge inspiration from other writers indicate theories, ideas that affected support findings, argument increase the value of findings, claims deepen the understanding by adding/contrasting/opposing arguments (on the one hand…) for readers to find, read, check

6 When to use reference in the text no statement without reference (general rule) EXPERIENCE AND INTUITION pay attention when reading texts why correct reference is important

7 References in the text One author: The surname of the author/lecturer and the year of publication/lecture Ex 1: According to Mansory (2000) women constituted around half of the teaching force in Kabul also before the wars. Ex 2: Also before the wars women constituted around half of the teaching force in Kabul (Mansory, 2000). Note the dot! USE LECTURER VERY SELDOM!

8 Reference list One author (book): Ex: Mansory, A. (2000) Mathematics Achievements Among Afghan Primary School Children. Stockholm: Institute of International Education. One author (journal): Ex: Ouis, P. (2001) McDonald’s or Mecca? An Existential Choice of Quibla for Muslims in a Globalized World? Encounters Vol. 7: No 2. Lecturer: Mansory, A. (2012) Lecture in the course Education and Development in the Context of Globalisation, Master program in Education and Didactics. Kabul: 2012-01-09

9 References in the text Two authors: Both surnames are mentioned. & or and is used between the names. Ex1: Inglehart & Norris (2003) state that gender equality is an issue of much greater complexity. Ex 2: Gender equality is an issue of much greater complexity (Inglehart and Norris, 2003).

10 References in the text Several authors: The surname of the first author is followed by et al. Ex: Meyer et al. (2001) have described how the world model has shaped all nation-states into similar identities, structures and behaviour …

11 Reference list Two or more authors: all surnames and initials in alphabetical order. Ex: Inglehart, R. and Norris, P. (2003) Rising Tide Gender Equality and Cultural Change Around the World. Cambridge: Cambridge University press. Ex: Meyer, J. W., Boli, J., Thomas, G. M. and Ramirez, F. O. (2001) World Society and the Nation-State. In: F. J. Lechner, & J. Boli, (2001) (eds). The Globalization Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

12 Direct quotation Ex 1: Moreover, religious movements are “on the rise almost everywhere” (Berger, 1999, p. 6). Ex 2: Berger (1999) claims that religious movements ”are on the rise everywhere” (p. 6).

13 References in the text/list Government agencies, organisations or other groups – same as for authors Internet sources – full address in the text -retrieved date in list -Use VERY seldom

14 Reference list - summary References in the text must appear in the reference list References (entries) in the reference list must appear in the text. The reference list must be in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname or the name of the organisation Books: author (surname and initials), year of publication, title, publisher’s location (city) and publishing company Journals: the volume and issue with colon in between and the title of the journal (not the article’s title) in italics. The book title is in italics and uses capital letters for the first letter of the main words.

15 Plagiarism claim the words and ideas of another as one’s own (writers, lecturers, students, websites) not give credit when credit is due copying others’ texts not using quotation marks when using exact words when summarising, rearranging, changing words… always reference! It is cheating Easy to reveal research builds on trust and moral! Serious and punishable academic offense

16 AIM Capacity and attitude TEMP Goal: The overall purpose of the programme is that students develop the knowledge and skills required to develop, implement and evaluate teacher education programmes for teachers of basic education. (KAU) To support all Afghan children’s right to education by promoting equal access to quality education through a sustainable education system in the country (SCA)

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