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Treeboard Mutineers VEX Robotics Competition Austin Crawford Nicole Grieble Ericson Magsombol.

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Presentation on theme: "Treeboard Mutineers VEX Robotics Competition Austin Crawford Nicole Grieble Ericson Magsombol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treeboard Mutineers VEX Robotics Competition Austin Crawford Nicole Grieble Ericson Magsombol

2 Overview VEX Clean Sweep Rules Robot Tasks 12 Step Design Process Competition Outcome Conclusions

3 Table of Contents TitleSlide Number Problem Statement5 Background-Robot6 Background-Competition7 Deliverables8 Scope9 Timeline10-13 Criteria and Constraints14 Brainstorming15 Research and Generate Ideas16-17 Explore Possibilities18-23 Select An Approach24 Test Plan25-26

4 Work Process27-28 Bill of Materials29 CAD Drawings30-35 Prototype36 Testing & Monitoring37 Refining38 Competition39 Changes to Make40 Summary41 Lessons Learned42

5 Problem Statement The goal is to construct a robot within the VEX Clean Sweep competition’s given guidelines using VEX products and ultimately go to a competition and score the most points.

6 Background - Robot First Robot (1938)  By Willard Pollard and Harold Roselund  Sprayed Paint Manufacturing Demonstration  MIT Servomechanisms Lab (1959) Regularly Seen  1980’s

7 Background- VEX Competition

8 Deliverables Robot  VEX Competition Engineering Notebook  Mrs. Brandner Powerpoint & Final Report  Mr. Pritchard

9 Scope Parts  Device to move the robot  Device to lift balls  Device to hold balls Materials  VEX Protobot Kit  VEX Booster Kit  VEX Power Pack Resources  CAD- Mr. Cotie  Technical- Mr. Pritchard  Calculations- Mrs. Brandner

10 Timeline Plan DateAct. DateWhoTask StartCompStartComp 11/17/0911/18/0911/17/0911/18/09NicoleProblem Statement 11/18/0911/20/0911/18/0911/20/09EricsonBackground 11/19/0911/20/0911/19/0911/20/09NicoleDeliverables 11/20/0912/01/0911/20/0912/01/09AustinScope Statement 11/30/0912/01/0911/30/0912/01/09Nicole/ EricsonTimeline 12/01/0912/04/0912/01/0912/04/09CrewIdentify Criteria and Constraints- Select main 2-4 customer requirements. 12/04/0912/06/0912/07/09 CrewBrainstorming- Create a large, generic list of areas that need more research.

11 12/06/0912/08/0912/07/0912/08/09CrewBrainstorming- Get more details in select areas that are more important. 12/08/0912/14/0912/09/0912/15/09CrewResearch and Generate Ideas- Research the selected areas. 12/14/0912/18/0912/09/0912/17/09CrewResearch and Generate Ideas- Based off research, create preconceptions that may help the project. 1/04/101/15/102/10/102/16/10Austin/EricsonExplore Possibilities (requires hands on time)- · Experiment new ideas with VEX parts. · Create sketches. · Develop strategies. 1/18/101/20/102/17/10 NicoleSelect an Approach- Using criteria screens, pros cons, etc...

12 1/21/101/22/101/26/101/27/10NicoleDesign Proposal- Test Plan- Based off criteria and constraints, develop test criteria the robot must succeed in accomplishing. 1/25/102/12/10AustinDesign Proposal- Work Process- Based off the test plan, generated ideas, and explored possibilities, develop a robot that meets all these needs and expectations. 2/12/102/19/102/02/102/03/10NicoleDesign Proposal- Bill of Material- Basically list cost of all materials used. 2/12/102/19/10EricsonDesign Proposal- Detailed CAD Drawings- Create detailed 2-D and 3-D drawings. 1/15/103/01/102/01/103/26/10CrewPrototype- Finish designing and building the prototype.

13 3/01/103/15/103/26/10 CrewTesting and Monitoring- Complete the test plan to be sure all criteria are met. 3/01/103/19/103/26/10 CrewRefining- Based off results of the testing, refine the design to meet criteria easier, faster, more accurately, etc… 3/19/10 Crew + Mr. P.Packing EVERYTHING 3/12/103/19/103/26/10 Crew + Mr. P.Notebook Finalize 3/27/10 Crew + Mr. P.Competition At Batavia 3/29/104/23/103/30/10CrewFinal Report and PowerPoint Finalized 4/30/10 CrewFinal Report and PowerPoint Due 5/03/105/06/10CrewPresentations

14 Criteria and Constraints VEX Rules and regulations 1. Only one robot 2. Must pass full inspection 3. Cannot damage other robots 4. Must be within 18” x 18” x 18” 5. Only made from official VEX parts 6. Up to 10 motors/servos 7. Can only use one battery 8. On/off switch accessible without moving robot 9. Up to two controllers

15 Brainstorming Things to research  Competition  Existing Robots  VEX Parts Design Ideas  Vacuum  Sweeper  Lobster Claw

16 Research Robot  Motors High Torque Gear Ratios  Wheels High Traction  Structural Framing Solid Aluminum

17 Generate Ideas Existing Designs  Scoopers Slide under balls rather than grabbing Highly Effective “Garbage Truck” Design  Containers “Pick-up Truck” and an Incline “Garbage Truck” dumped over the wall  Pushers Difficult to manage balls Gets wedged under robot

18 Explore Possibilities Austin’s Solution ProCon Fits dimensional constraints Large gaps in claw for balls to fall through Bucket placed strategically to dump balls easier Possible problems in moving balls from claw to bucket Simple in design and has good structure Claw is too long


20 Eric’s Solution ProCon Fits dimensional constraints Lots of motors needed Strong frame and stable connections Wide Steering Radius Bucket doesn’t need a motor Small claw, not able to hold many balls at once


22 Nicole’s Solution ProCon Uses a small amount of VEX parts Can only pick up one ball at a time Efficient for dropping balls over middle wall No storage space for balls Can knock standing balls off of middle wall Not very strong


24 Select An Approach Eric’s Design was chosen  Some changes were made Most efficient out of the three  Very stable  Fits within dimensions

25 Test Plan Test CriteriaHow TestedExpected resultsActual Results One RobotMake sure all parts are connected to one unit We will only have one robot Must be 18”x18”x18”Measure the robotThe robot fits the requirements Only VEX PartsInventory every piece used and make sure it corresponds with VEX parts Our robot will only contain VEX parts Only one Microcontroller Count how many microcontrollers we are using We will only have one microcontroller Ten or less motors or servos Count the servos and motors We will have under ten motors and servos

26 One 7.2V Robot Battery Pack or the VEX Power Expander, and a 9V backup battery Count the batteries that are being used and make sure they fit the requirements We will either have one 7.2V Robot Battery Pack or the VEX Power Expander, and a 9V backup battery Up to two handheld controllers Count how many controllers are being used We will have only one handheld controller Access to on/off switch without moving robot Turn the robot on and off without moving the robot at all We will be able to turn the robot on/off without moving the actual robot Move balls over to the competitors side Replicate the wall that will be used in the competition and then use the robot to move balls from one side to another Will be able to move balls Make sure all parts are secure Shake Robot and make sure nothing comes off Nothing comes off Obtain a high scorePractice using a practice field 50+ points

27 Prototype

28 Work Process Movement Frame 1. Left Side 1. C-Channel Assembly 2. Left Wheel Assembly 2. Right Side 1. C-Channel Assembly 2. Right Wheel Assembly 3. Crossbars

29 Work Process Bin 1. Column 2. Holder 1. Back Assembly Claw 1. Frame 2. Claw

30 Bill of Materials PartQuantityUnit CostTotal Cost Registration1$200.00 Protobot Robot Kit1$299.99 Booster Kit1Donated Power Pack1$49.99 TOTAL:$548.98

31 CAD Drawings






37 Testing & Monitoring Test Criteria  One robot used  Must be 18”x18”x18”  One microcontroller used  Access to ON/OFF switch without touching robot  Moves balls to competitor’s side  Make sure all parts are secure

38 Refining Changes made between testing Mainly tested  Fit in 18” x 18” x 18”  Get balls over wall Parts changed  Claw  Bin

39 Competition Overall  Not entirely successful Our Goals  Able to get balls over the wall  Successful in this aspect Observations  Beastly Robots  Use of programming (autonomous feature)  Omni-wheels

40 Changes to Make Add autonomous feature  Starts off competition good Add Omni-wheels  Enhanced control Increase walls of bucket area  Contains balls better

41 Summary Successful prototype and documentation Good team dynamics Learned real life competition and business deadline skills

42 Lesson Learned Testing repeatedly and refining gives the best product Can always make improvements to design The key to success is looking forward

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