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North Wake County Baseball Association Coaching. Practice Plan Always come prepared (only takes a few minutes the day of practice) Limit Standing Around.

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Presentation on theme: "North Wake County Baseball Association Coaching. Practice Plan Always come prepared (only takes a few minutes the day of practice) Limit Standing Around."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Wake County Baseball Association Coaching

2 Practice Plan Always come prepared (only takes a few minutes the day of practice) Limit Standing Around Small Groups/Stations Reps/Reps/Reps (50,50,50) Utilize Parents Train Assistants Let players/parents know that they can not learn everything they need to know and get enough reps in 12 practices and 12 games at NWCBA. Work on your own!

3 Throwing Minimum 50 Reps each Practice Use entire body Athletic stance Separate “thumbs down and away” Fangs point away on backside, look out “across watch” Throwing arm elbow above shoulder Tuck glove side Shuffle or box step Finish

4 Fielding Minimum 50 Reps each Practice PFP (perfect fielding position) – Heel to toe, spread, elbows to knees, reach, cradle, separate, pop Glide to ball. We are not charging bulls. Be on time every time with soft hands when you get there Grounders without gloves. Use paddles as well. Do not smash balls (creates bad habits). Create proper technique/muscle memory.

5 Hitting Minimum 50 Reps Each Practice Athletic stance Feet wider than shoulders Front foot closed Bottom half load (slight weight shift) Back foot pivot Belly button to pitcher Hands A to C not A-B-C (direct line to ball) Extend through the zone to pitcher

6 Base Running Through the bag and chop. Do not “peel off” to right Look right for ball Lead off - Both feet on bag, left step, right, shuffle, shuffle. Do not jump/dance Dive back in right hand to left corner looking away from throw Secondary lead – shuffle, shuffle, land as pitch crosses plate Get conditioning work in at end of practice by running bases.

7 Pitching Small movements Eye(s) to mitt Eyes, lead elbow, shoulder, hip and knee Separate down, out of glove Stride 5 foot lengths minimum Shoulders & chest out over lead leg Trail foot- heal to sky Finish to field position

8 Closing Make it Fun! Reps, reps, reps Multiple stations - 80% of practice rotate small groups from station to station; 20% team, situational (see sample practice plans for suggestions) Drills - There are 100’s to choose from. Find those that are age appropriate and do them often to build muscle memory (PFP). See sample practice plans for suggestions. Use drills to warm up. Ex.-Around the horn works on pivots, footwork, transition and loosens arms. Most of all remember that we are here to teach fundamentals, teamwork and “life lessons.” Do not make it about the grown ups or just your son. Teach baseball the way it is meant to be played. Just because the 9-year old at 3 rd base can’t catch very well and the 2 nd baseman cutting the ball off in shallow right field doesn’t throw very well doesn’t mean that you, as the 3 rd base coach, should wave a kid around that hasn’t even made it to 2 nd base yet. Don’t take advantage of a 9-year old, help him get better.

9 Contact Call anytime with questions or concerns Steve Arnold – 919.464.6603 Joe John – 919.606-8900 Jason Martinez – 919.395.4342 Joe Sande – 919.426.8886

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