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ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE 1) Foundation Portfolio Information 2) Digital Image Composition Review & File Check 3) Digital Image Composition Work.

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Presentation on theme: "ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE 1) Foundation Portfolio Information 2) Digital Image Composition Review & File Check 3) Digital Image Composition Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE 1) Foundation Portfolio Information 2) Digital Image Composition Review & File Check 3) Digital Image Composition Work Time (1 hour) 4) Basics of Typography 5) Introduction to Adobe InDesign 6) InDesign Typography Composition: In-Studio 7) Final Project Introduction

2 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE MARCH 27 th REVIEW Creating Digital Image Composites Digital compositing is the process of digitally assembling multiple images to make a final image.

3 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE MARCH 27 th REVIEW Digital Image Composite: File Check 1. The colors in the Swatches Palette are only the colors created for this project. 1. All the colors utilized have been saved in the Swatches Palette and are named. 1. Each Layer has been named. 2. At least 3 images have been composited in this composition. 3. There were Layer Masks used to soften the edges of the individual images in the composite. 1. You should hand in 2.psd files : Your Zombie Portrait : lrzoskalesson10_001.psd (student ’ s first initial & last name) Your Zombie Composite : lrzoskalesson10_002.psd (student ’ s first initial & last name)


5 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Typography : An Introduction

6 Typefaces Typefaces can be divided into two main categories: Serif and Sans Serif. Serifs comprise the small features at the end of strokes within letters. The printing industry refers to atypeface without serifs as Sans Serif.

7 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Typography : An Introduction Leading Leading is referring to the strips of lead once used to create space between lines of text in the days of mechanical typesetting.In other words, leading is line spacing. It's purpose is to allow the designer to alter the densityof blocks of text.

8 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Typography : An Introduction Kerning Kerning allows you to manually adjust the space between any two characters.

9 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Typography : An Introduction Type Justification This is Typographic Alignment. The types of Justification are: Flush Left, Ragged Right Flush Right, Ragged Left Centered Justified

10 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Typography Emotional Attributes of Fonts

11 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Typography : Emotional Attributes of Fonts


13 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Typography : Font Weights


15 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: An Introduction Page Layout Adobe InDesign is a page layoutsoftware program used to createprinted works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and books. Students in the ANM Program canutilize InDesign to create Self- Promotional pieces.

16 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: An Introduction Page Layout Layout is another word for Composition. Using Adobe InDesign you will becreating compositions using various Graphic Elements and Typographical Elements.

17 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: An Introduction Graphic Elements LogosPhotographsIllustrationsCharts and GraphsArrowsRepeating Lines Typographical Elements TitlesHeadlinesSub HeadsBody CopySignatures

18 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: An Introduction Visual Hierarchy We use Visual Hierarchy to control what the viewer looks atfirst, then second, then third, etc.We use all the Principles and Elements of Design when creating a page composition.


20 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: Basic Tools Tool Bar Where the InDesign Tools are found. Selection Tool Allows you to select and move objects. Direct Selection Tool Allows you to select, individual Anchor Points and edit an object. Pen Tool Allows you to make lines and objects by creating Anchor Points and Line Segments. Type Tool Allows you to add Typography. Transformation Tool Allows you to select, scale and rotate objects. Stroke and Fill Icons Allows you to stroke and/or fill a line, text or an object.

21 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: Basic Palettes Layers Palette Allows you to organize and arrange the Graphic Elements and Typography in your page composition.

22 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: Basic Palettes Swatches Palette Allows you to select the stroke color of the Line Segment and/or the fill color of the Closed Object or Typography in your page composition.

23 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: Basic Palettes Character Palette Allows you to select the Font the Font Size and the Leading. You can, also, adjust the Kerning in the Character Palette.

24 ANM 104 DESIGN THEORY & PRACTICE APRIL 3 rd CLASS SESSION Adobe InDesign: Basic Palettes Character PaletteParagraph Palette


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