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Types of Agriculture Communication Agriculture Communication and Leadership.

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1 Types of Agriculture Communication Agriculture Communication and Leadership

2 Communication Need words, body language, actions, or gestures to communicate.

3 Communication  The exchange of accurate information about the agricultural and natural resource industries.  It is deliverable, through effective and efficient channels, using appropriate communication techniques and theories

4 Types of Communication Dyadic (two-person) – most informal exchanges between two people Dyadic (two-person) – most informal exchanges between two people –Close proximity –Both people send and receive messages –Includes verbal and nonverbal stimulus Small Group – three or more members of a group Small Group – three or more members of a group

5 Types of Communication Public – “Public” places, formal and structured, speaker addresses large group in an event as a speaker Public – “Public” places, formal and structured, speaker addresses large group in an event as a speaker Mass – most formal and most expensive, may include media Mass – most formal and most expensive, may include media

6 Communication Models One Way- information travels from one source to a second

7 Communication Models Interactive – information is exchanged between two sources, includes feedback and interaction Interactive – information is exchanged between two sources, includes feedback and interaction

8 Styles of Communication Three Styles of Communication: Verbal: Information that flows through verbal means, such as words, speeches, presentation, sounds, etc... Verbal: Information that flows through verbal means, such as words, speeches, presentation, sounds, etc... –Two forms: Written and oral Non-verbal: Communicating by sending and receiving wordless messages. Non-verbal: Communicating by sending and receiving wordless messages. –Body language, facial expressions, body movement and posture, gestures, tone of voice, etc...

9 Styles of Communication Visual: Communication through visual aids such as signs, drawings, graphic design, illustrations, color, pictures Visual: Communication through visual aids such as signs, drawings, graphic design, illustrations, color, pictures

10 Verbal & Non-verbal Communication

11 Types of Verbal Communication Demonstrative Demonstrative –a demonstration of how to do something –Task or presentation on how to bake or make things Narrative Narrative –read a story (books or someone's story) Persuasive/Inspirational Persuasive/Inspirational –Persuade the listener to do something

12 Informative/Instructional Informative/Instructional –Information to the listener –Breaking story –Radio broadcast Entertain/Impress Entertain/Impress –Guest speech at a banquet/convention/event

13 Formats of Speeches Prepared Prepared –plenty of time to write and practice the speech Extemporaneous Extemporaneous –Speeches prepared in a short time with little/no time for practice Impromptu Impromptu –No time to prepare or practice

14 Parts of the Speech Introduction Introduction –Develop an interest –Gain attention –Personal story –Statistic, joke, quote, incident, etc. –Make your thesis statement

15 Part of the Speech Body Body –Make your case –Past-present-future Conclusion Conclusion –Tie it all together –Refer to something in the introduction –Close by repeating the thesis statement

16 Non-verbal Communication

17 Rules of Thumb Eye Contact Great speeches address wants and needs Great speeches address wants and needs Great speakers address the audience Great speakers address the audience –DO NOT read your speech Look em’ in the eyes Look em’ in the eyes –Or … on the forehead

18 Rules of Thumb Hand & Body Movements Effective hand & arm movements! Effective hand & arm movements! Avoid: Avoid: –Dancing, –Wobbling, –Aimless walking  Use your feet to your advantage Lean into the audience for effect Lean into the audience for effect

19 Rules of Thumb Voice Sometimes a whisper is louder than a holler Sometimes a whisper is louder than a holler Be careful … volume makes us screech Be careful … volume makes us screech Who loves a monotone? Who loves a monotone? News Casters & Mutterers News Casters & Mutterers

20 Rules of Thumb Pace We ALL speak too fast in public We ALL speak too fast in public Force yourself to slow down Force yourself to slow down –Try singing the words –Try enunciating the last consonant in each word

21 Preparing APA Manuscripts for FFA Events The Bibliography Not a Reference or Works Cited Page Not a Reference or Works Cited Page Follow APA Style Follow APA Style

22 Communication Visual Communication

23 Types of Communication “Cont.” Visual: Communication through visual aids such as signs, drawings, graphic design, illustrations, color, pictures Visual: Communication through visual aids such as signs, drawings, graphic design, illustrations, color, pictures

24 Types of Communication Effective communication is essential for success. Effective communication is essential for success. A good understanding of different types of communications and communication styles help you know and deal with people better, clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions, and contribute to the success of the enterprise A good understanding of different types of communications and communication styles help you know and deal with people better, clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions, and contribute to the success of the enterprisecommunication stylescommunication styles

25 Types of Communication Visual: Visual: –Good visual composition involves a please selection and arrangement of subjects within the picture. Rules Rules –Rules of thirds –Lines –Balance –Framing –Simplicity

26 Rules of Thirds Visual composition is divided into thirds horizontally & vertically. Visual composition is divided into thirds horizontally & vertically. Good visual has photo subjects placed at or near intersection of lines. Good visual has photo subjects placed at or near intersection of lines. Never in the center Never in the center –Becomes static and less interesting

27 Lines Lines add dynamics Lines add dynamics Lead into the visual composition. Lead into the visual composition. Provides path to the main subject. Provides path to the main subject.

28 Balance Depends on arrangement of shapes, colors, or areas of light and dark. Depends on arrangement of shapes, colors, or areas of light and dark. Can be symmetrical or asymmetrical Can be symmetrical or asymmetrical

29 Framing Frame the center of interest with objects in the foreground. Frame the center of interest with objects in the foreground. Gives the picture a feeling of depth Gives the picture a feeling of depth

30 Simplicity Uncomplicated backgrounds, avoiding unrelated subjects and moving in close. Uncomplicated backgrounds, avoiding unrelated subjects and moving in close. Place it slightly off center Place it slightly off center

31 Visual Composition Examples

32 Purdue experts: Crop report dismal, but not unexpected

33 Visual

34 Visual

35 Visual

36 Types of Communication Photo Job Sheet Photo Job Sheet Verbal/Non Verbal Job Sheets

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