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Gabriela Macoveiu North-East RDA, Romania PP11 – WP responsible Cluster Policy Learning Platform WP3 Description Smarter Cluster Policies for South-East.

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Presentation on theme: "Gabriela Macoveiu North-East RDA, Romania PP11 – WP responsible Cluster Policy Learning Platform WP3 Description Smarter Cluster Policies for South-East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gabriela Macoveiu North-East RDA, Romania PP11 – WP responsible Cluster Policy Learning Platform WP3 Description Smarter Cluster Policies for South-East Europe (Cluster PoliSEE)

2 Work package 3 – Main Tasks Action 3.1Platform concept generation through working groups 3.2Platform design, setting up and rules 3.3Platform management and development 3.4Training package as S3 common knowledge base

3 A3.1 Platform concept generation The platform’s concept paper: provides methodology on how to initiate and push forward the structure list the aims and activities to be implemented to achieve them include recommendations on further input on the 6 central topics for cluster policies improvement it is not just a performing ICT tool (information, promotion, good practice dissemination) it is a collaborative learning tool for people behind the ICT tool, the SEE cluster policy makers, the PPs, the innovation actors involved)

4 A3.1 Platform concept generation – Timetable (proposal) 2012 AugustSeptemberOctober 1.08.2012 30.09.2012 PP11 starts the elaboration of platform concept STC meeting - WGs’ structure / composition already defined 30.09.2012 1 st draft of platform concept circulated to WGs leaders – inputs, feedback and contribution to be collected 15.10.2012 Elaboration of the 2 nd draft of platform concept 30.10.2012 Consolidated concept submitted to LP for endorsement All PPs bring feedback on the concept Activ. 3.1 (2012)MayJunJulAugSeptOct Original timetable (AF) Proposed timetable

5 A3.2 Platform design, setting up and rules PhaseActivity Responsible of deliverables DesignOperational planLP with support of ERDF PPs 11, 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP1 Functional architecture Platforms’ rules of procedure Regulate how the platform should run, how the document and content is to be managed, membership aspects, others ERDF PP11, with support of all PPs Platform set up (of-the- shelf software) Content and document management solutions Intranet tools for PPs (wiki modalities, social networking solutions, live communication systems) Specific support for WGs (dedicated workspace ) Good practices and transferability assessment tool Access based on multiple security levels (communication, authentication & data protection) Public section LP and ERDF PP11, with support of all PPs

6 A3.2 Platform design & setting – Timeline (proposal) 20122013 OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary 01.10.2012 15.11.2012 LP1 starts the elaboration of operational and functional architecture ERDF PP11 –Elaborates the Rules of Procedure and agrees it with LP 01.12.2012 Contributions to operational plan, functional architecture and endorsement of the Rules of Procedure for platform ongoing operation All PPs bring their contributions With support from ERDF PPs 11, 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP1 LP sets up the platform 15.01.2013 Activ. 3.2 (2012-2013)JulAugSeptOctNovDecIan Original timetable (AF) Proposed timetable

7 A3.3 Platform management & development (2) Platform Management LevelHow / by whom Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) Strategic level Providing inputs and feedback Ensuring strategic relevance of the platform content and activities in SEE area consistent with EU policies and concerned initiatives focused on S3 Using clusters within the strategic process for regional innovation strategies Contribution of the members Develop ment level Full members - PPs (ERDF, IPA and ASPs) Associated members - representatives of regional/national public institutions responsible for cluster policy development & implementation, R&D transfer and innovation bodies and cluster associations, Academic and research departments with cluster studies, Confederations of clusters and networks Stakeholders, financing entities & civil society

8 A3.3 Platform management & development – Roles of the project partners LP - All PPs (inputs, outputs, evaluation of interim & final results) Technical management of the platform ERDF PP 11, LP and WGs leaders (ERDF PPs 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP 1) Feedding on-line repository & platform operation on the 6 central topics ERDF PP1 Questionannaire for public consultation on Innovation, R&D driven Cluster Development ERDF PP8 Questionnaire for public consultation on Cluster and Regional Specialization ERDF PP 11 Questionnaire for public consultation on New skills & Jobs Creation ERDF PP 18 Questionnaire on Financial Framework Improvement ERDF PP5 Questionnaire on International Cluster Cooperation and networking IPA PP1 Questionnaire for public consultation on Sustainability through Cluster Development All PPs Translation of questionnaires in all partners national languages

9 A3.3 Timetable (proposal) 20122013 2014 DecemberJanuaryFebruaryOctober 01.12.2012 WG Leaders (ERDF PPs 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP 1) - Questionnaires WG Leader conceive Questionnaire for public consultation on specific topic (6) 01.01.2013 15.02.2013 ERDF PP 11 Feedding on-line repository and platform operation on the 6 central topics for policy improvement for linking relevant audience and stakeholders to the project outputs Activ. 3.3 (2012-2014)201220132014 SeptOctNovDecJanOct Original timetable (AF) Proposed timetable PPs, conduct public consultation process (national language) and feed back to WG Leaders

10 A3.4 Training package – Contents and structure SessionsHow toParticipants 1 training preparatory session - 1 day on-line training session25 participants (1 participant from each project partner organization) 1 training session- 2 days training session in location (Ancona, Italy) 1 follow-up training session - 1 day on-line session 1 training activity assessment - 1 day on-line session Training by trainers- Trained staff will transfer the know-how to their organizations in “learning-by- doing”process -

11 A3.4 Training package – Timetable (proposal) 15.01.2013 All trained staff - performing “learning-by-doing” know-how transfer in their organizations ERDF PP 11 – Elaborates the training pack for sharing S3 approach 01.03.2013 2013 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay ERDF PP 11 – Delivery of training preparatory session (on-line) ERDF PP 11 – Delivery of training preparatory session (on-line) ERDF PP 11 – Delivery 2 days training session Ancona, Italy ERDF PP 11 – Delivery 2 days training session Ancona, Italy April May ERDF PP 11 – Follow-up training session (on line) ERDF PP 11 – Training activity assessment (online) Activ. 3.4 (2012-2013)OctNovDecJan 13Feb 13Mar 13Apr 13May 13 Original timetable (AF) Proposed timetable

12 WP3 Summarizing the new timetable (proposal) 201220132014 45678910111212345678910111212345678910 Act 3.1 (AF) New proposal Act 3.2 (AF) New proposal Act 3.3 (AF) New proposal Act 3.4 (AF) New proposal (AF) – Original timetable as per Application Form

13 WP3 - Deliverables Description PartnerContributing Partners Platform concept (including recommendations)ERDF PP11 LP, ERDF PPs 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP 1 Platform operative plan and functional architectureLP ERDF PPs 1, 5, 18, 8, 11 and IPA-I PP 1 Platform Rules of ProceduresERDF PP11All PPs 1 Training Pack for sharing S3 approachERDF PP11All PPs 1 on line repository / database on the 6 central topics result and best practice ERDF PP11 (ERDF PPs 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP 1) ALL PPS Questionnaire for Stakeholder public consultation on 6 cluster central topics ERDF PPs 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP 1 ALL PPS Result of public consultation report and statistical dataERDF PP11 (ERDF PPs 1, 5, 18, 8 and IPA-I PP 1) ALL PPS Staff members with increased capacity on learning mechanism though platform management (knowldge/skills) ERDF PP11ALL PPS Policy makers with increased awareness through platform public consultation (knowledge/skills. Regional based cluster policies improved by sharing policies ERDF PP11ALL PPS Stakeholders with increase awareness involved in platform public consultation (rate 1 to 20 for each PPs involved in mutual learning activities) ERDF PP11ALL PPS Regional based cluster policies improved by sharing policiesERDF PP11ALL PPS Non EU MS involved for a world-class cluster environmentERDF PP11ALL PPS

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