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Setting up and implementing a research project: tales from the RECME Project and discussion Els De Geest Research Project Director NCETM.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting up and implementing a research project: tales from the RECME Project and discussion Els De Geest Research Project Director NCETM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting up and implementing a research project: tales from the RECME Project and discussion Els De Geest Research Project Director NCETM

2 Intentions of this session By using tales of the RECME Project identifying similarities and differences in setting up and implementing research projects Finding out the role of certain elements of the research structure for setting up and implementing a research project Discussions to find similarities and differences with your research projects to identify tricky and energising bits to share ideas to deal with these

3 The Researching Effective CPD in Mathematics Education Project (RECME) RECME is about Finding out interrelated factors of effective CPD in mathematics education in England Co-constructing meaning with mathematics educators (teachers, advisors, academics, …)

4 RECME - why and how did it come about? What triggered its existence? The Adrian Smith report and the setting up of NCETM What is the CPD landscape? What is effective CPD in mathematics education? What makes CPD effective in mathematics education? Report creates awareness, political will and money Identifying lack of knowledge - first step of phrasing research questions

5 RECME - phase 1: coming up with plans The Research Advisory Group Defining the project Putting together a research proposal that has: the big research questions how to go about it - what needs to be done the timeline costings in this case - not the research instruments What do we know already? Joining expertise What are we going to do about it? Writing a proposal with research questions, timeline, course of action and cost implications

6 Discussion 1 Finding similarities and differences with your research project How did/does your project come about? What triggered its existence? How did your plans develop? Any similarities? Differences? Phase 1: Report creates awareness, political will and money Identifying lack of knowledge - first step of phrasing research questions What do we know already? Joining expertise What are we going to do about it? Writing a proposal with research questions, timeline, course of action and cost implications

7 RECME - phase 2: action to decide what to implement and how Appointment of Director and researchers Literature review commissioned Finding out the landscape through online survey Putting together the ‘sample’ of CPD initiatives we would like to take part: cross-section of landscape and further criteria from literature review Who is going to do what? What do we know already from existing literature (research, policy, reports)? First steps to find where we can look and co- constructing meaning on what is CPD Careful consideration of where we will look taking on board 9 criteria

8 RECME - phase 3: doing the research Identified need for a phase 3a, 3b and 3c Phase 3a: refining the research questions How can we find answers to these questions: developing research probes/instruments First visits to explore this and work with mathematics educator-researchers Phase 3b: Fine-tuning the research questions Fine-tuning the research probes/instruments Second visits to explore and work with mathematics educator-researchers Adjusting plans Refining questions and probes Sounding out Fine-tuning questions and probes Trialing

9 RECME - phase 3: doing the research Phase 3c: Collecting the data Ongoing evaluation Adjusting research design Developing analysis strategies Ongoing dissemination Co-constructing meaning Implementing rest of research proposal Collecting data Evaluation Adjusting research proposal and design Developing strategies for analysis Co-constructing meaning Dissemination: planning and doing Following research proposal

10 RECME - phase 4: analysis, dissemination, case research, what next Analysing research data and getting feedback from mathematics educator- researchers Dissemination plans to professional and research audience and policy makers In-depth case research through ESRC doctoral studentships Planning for what next Following research proposal Analysing Co-constructing meaning Dissemination: doing and planning What next? planning

11 Discussion 2 Finding similarities and differences with your research project Any similarities? Differences?

12 Phase 2:Phase 3:Phase 4: Who is going to do what?Adjusting plansFollowing research proposal What do we know already from existing research? Refining questions and probesAnalysing Where can we look? Sounding out and trialingCo-constructing meaning Collecting data Dissemination: doing and planning Where will we look?EvaluationWhat next? planning Following research proposalDeveloping strategies for analysis Dissemination: planning and doing Following research proposal Co-constructing meaning

13 Tricky and energising bits of setting up and implementing RECME: Els’ perspective Tricky bits - but not therefore negative experiences: Juggling workloads with other commitments - doing our best What are our research questions? Developing research instruments - how can we find answers to our questions Losing the plot Planning for dissemination - the time factor What energises me: Beliefs and resulting commitment Curiosity Working and making sense with others Making sense of complexity Wow, isn’t this interesting?!

14 Discussion 3 What have been, or do you foresee to be, the tricky bits? How do you deal with them? What elements of the research structure help you?

15 Looking back at the intentions of this session By using tales of the RECME Project identifying similarities and differences in setting up and implementing research projects Finding out the role of certain aspects of research structures/elements for setting up and implementing a research project Discussions to find similarities and differences with your research projects to identify the easy and tricky bits to share ideas to deal with these Thank you for your participation. You can find details and progress about RECME on the portal (under research). Contributions and questions are very very welcome.

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