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Giving Students A Voice Grant Wiggins Lois Brown Easton Educational Horizons.

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Presentation on theme: "Giving Students A Voice Grant Wiggins Lois Brown Easton Educational Horizons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giving Students A Voice Grant Wiggins Lois Brown Easton Educational Horizons

2 Feedback from future medical students and residents Middle school and high school students survey responses to what is working and what is not in education Some of these students will be in medical school in 3-5 years. Are we ready to teach them?

3 What one piece of advice would you give to faculty? STOP LECTURING US! –Talking in front of the class is alright for a few minutes, but we like getting involved SOMEHOW.

4 What one piece of advice would you give to faculty? Do more hands-on tasks and in class projects Find real world situations that you can relate to the subject in class Make learning more interesting and meaningful

5 What one piece of advice would you give to faculty? Spend more time having interesting discussions relating to the topic as opposed to just constantly giving out handouts.

6 What one piece of advice would you give to faculty? Most of the students asked that faculty make the content come to life. Students asked to be challenged. Students asked to share their ideas with other students. Students valued feedback from faculty and peers.

7 How do students learn best? Doing hands-on tasks Watching hands-on demonstrations Participating in discussions and debates

8 Ask yourself Are goals and objectives clear ? Do you begin teaching with thought provoking activities to get the learners interested in the topic and make your teaching relevant ?

9 Ask yourself Do you use interactive learning techniques: –“clickers” or other technology to get feedback on where the class is on understanding your content.

10 Ask yourself Do your assessments involve applied tasks/simulations in the real-world of health care, not just a measure of medical knowledge?

11 Assess Yourself Do you think of yourself as a learner? Do you ask “why” at least once a day? Do you see a relationship between faculty learning and student/resident learning?

12 Ask yourself Do you offer students/residents choices in terms of what they learn, how they learn, how they show they have learned? Do students/residents understand why they are doing what they are doing why it is important and what meaning it has?

13 Ask yourself Do students/residents have some way to voice their opinions? Do students/residents see each other as co-earners and work together to learn from/with each other?

14 The end Are you ready for the new academic year?

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