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Taskforce 1 Softwarization of Networks ICT COST Action IC1304 Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)

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Presentation on theme: "Taskforce 1 Softwarization of Networks ICT COST Action IC1304 Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taskforce 1 Softwarization of Networks ICT COST Action IC1304 Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)

2 Members and Mailing List Aim Issues Meetings Short Term Scientific Missions Projects Documents 1 Contents

3 Kurt Tustschku; Andrej Zgank; Ahmed Mukash; Hugh Melvin; Yoram Haddad; Edmundo Monteiro; '' Tihana Gallic; José Soler ; Steven Latré ; '' Peter Pocta; Malamati Louta ; Javier Sainz: 1 Members and Mailing list:

4 The proposed target is to create a document on the TF subject that could be used to formalize the TF discussion and its results and that will be presented openly. It will be the basis for a formal scientific paper Additional elements: Create a forum for networking on R&D project preparation (H2020, Eureka’s..) on the subject. Promote and Follow up on STSM on the subject. 1 Objectives:

5 White Paper: We should be careful in how the White Paper is setup, because there are several very good overview and introductory style SDN papers out. So which gap do we address.? IG Split As it is a very wide field it is Proposed to Split into following areas: Integrated View, Architecture South Bound environment North Bound environment Security 1 Issues:

6 Work possibilities: Network softwarisation as network function virtualization. (software based load balancer, firewall, etc) Software Emulation of Network (as in mininet). Network elements abstractions and interaction modelling 1 Issues:

7 Network Management Functions, Dash Board, Recommenders. Learning capabilities in SDN in connection to WG 13 results and that will be presented. It will be the basis for a formal scientific paper Additional elements: Create a forum for networking on R&D project preparation (H2020, Eureka’s..) on the subject. Promote and Follow up on STSM on the subject. 1 Issues:

8 1 Softwarisation of network : Using sdn for dynamic complex service chain creation (TF 3), and to address technical challenges of reliable composite service chains, investigate restructuring performance and reliability, threads to consider to avoid faults, develop checklist and collect experiences, issues that should be implemented into tools and technologies used for automatic service creation. Network defense mechanisms, tools, technologies in case of bad quality/performance of service chains, adequacy of existing programming languages, formalisms.

9 1 Issues: SDN additional Security risks In connection with TF2 Cross-layer QoE management and IG’s oTo address those aspects of QoE, where SDN presents a significant benefit. :Context-based QoE monitoring: Dynamic adaptive video streaming, service- specific QoE estimation models for SDN,A cross-layer QoE management, Time-aware applications, QoE in mobile networks. oA service-specific QoE estimation models for SDN.

10 TF1 Audio Conferences: 1st Meeting : 16 January 2015 Participants: 8 TF KO and discussion on White Paper Draft,Objectives and TF Plan, TF IG’s : Integrated View, Architecture (Tihana) South Bound environment (Steve) North Bound environment (Jose, seconded by Javier) 2nd Meeting : 12 February 2015 Participants: 8 Discussion on White Paper updated TOC, Preparation on Presentation,STMS. 3rd Meeting : 12 March 2015 Participants: 8 Discussion on TF Road Map, Presentations in W,STMS. Planned F2F Meeting in Würzburg Proposed : 17th April time and Room tbd. 1 Meetings:

11 STSM: Projects: H2020 Projects Presented with Consortiums using networking results of this TF; All projects led by Alcatel-Lucent with ao. the University of Cyprus, DTU, VTT, and Innovati QLHEVER ICT-2014-1 DAEMON ICT-14-2014 RITMO ICT-16-2015 FREDY ICT-19-2015 1 Meeting:

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