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Rona Laing Head of Service Older People’s Services Chair of Partnership Management Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Rona Laing Head of Service Older People’s Services Chair of Partnership Management Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rona Laing Head of Service Older People’s Services Chair of Partnership Management Group

2 Reshaping Care for Older People  Initiated and owned by the Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care  2009/10 – Developing ‘emerging proposals’ and getting attention  2010/11 – Public and Stakeholder engagement – 10 year Delivery plan (Early 2011)  2011 – 2012 Change Fund  Delivery and Development

3 What Matters for Older People  Feeling safe  Having meaningful things to do and opportunities to meet and support each other  Staying as well as possible  Living where and how you want to  Eliminating or dealing with discrimination and stigma  Being listened to, having your say in services/supports - and being treated with respect and dignity

4 Change Fund  £70 million to be made available to local ‘Partnerships’ (Spending Review) – expected circa £300 million over 4 years  Bridging finance to lever improvement across the entirety of older people’s spend in health and social care  Partnership planning process – Health, Local Government, voluntary and independent sectors  Development of Local Change /Transformation Plans – end of February 2011  2011/12 development of joint commissioning strategies – to 2020

5 Change Fund  Shift in Balance of Care  £4.9 million for Fife - Partnership planning process - Health, Local Authorities, Voluntary, Independent Sector  Opportunities to Invest in Change but …  Has to be sustainable

6 Change Plans – Purpose?  To demonstrate how partners will lever change to core budgets  Clarity around aims and ambitions  Enabling, supporting, promoting Community Capacity  Integrated care through partnership focus across all sectors  Leading to joint commissioning strategies 2012-2020

7 Change Plans – Year 1 Expectations?  Build on what partners are doing  Connect to existing national and local strategies  Set some bold aspirations and ambitions  Use process to build stronger partnership relations  Not overly detailed or prescriptive  Follow the guidance….

8 What is working well in Fife  Telecare Programme  Dementia Strategy  Intermediate Care  Lean NHS Service Redesign  Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment  Palliative Care Assessment

9 Re- Shaping Care for Older People in Fife : Strategic Intent  Preventative / Anticipatory Care – We will identify and support, in a planned way, people with long term conditions and their carers enabling home based care to be provided wherever possible.  Unplanned Care - We will reduce level of unplanned care episodes, but where these occur, ensure return to community setting as soon as possible and ensure that life changing decisions are not made at the point of crisis

10 Strategic Intent  Hospital-based Care - Hospital-based care will provide specialist diagnostic and treatment services that cannot be provided within the community.  Home-based Care - We will refocus services to actively support people to feel safe while living at home whilst reducing reliance on care.  Recovery and rehabilitation - Everyone will have the opportunity to remain independent in their daily lives, and when indicated be actively supported to regain quality of life as defined by them.

11 Strategic Intent  Carers - We will keep carers at the centre of care provision - working together as true partners.  Community - We will actively nurture and develop communities to support older people as full participants within those communities.  Integrated Care - Integrated care provision should be put in place to support improved outcomes.

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