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Ayudame, Por Favor! (Help Me, Please!) AAEE Conference November 2015 Dr. Beth Anne Clark-Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "Ayudame, Por Favor! (Help Me, Please!) AAEE Conference November 2015 Dr. Beth Anne Clark-Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ayudame, Por Favor! (Help Me, Please!) AAEE Conference November 2015 Dr. Beth Anne Clark-Thomas

2 “Our society is changing from a largely White, European American population to one that is tremendously diverse; and nowhere is this more evident than in our public schools.” Nieto, 2013

3 Conundrum: “…about 45% of students in U.S. schools are students of backgrounds other than White, European, and English speaking; at the same time about 83% of teachers are White, monolingual, English speakers, and many have had little personal or professional experience with the diversity reflected in the student population.” (Aud et al., 2012)

4 EDUC/SPED 462 Senior teacher candidates (ECE/IS) SEMESTER 1 st week N size 1 (none) 2 (few/casual; incl in a field) 3 (some limited; service trip) 4 (more; intentional or extended) Average Fall 2011742101.6 Spring 20121162301.7 Fall 20121153211.9 Spring 20131462602.0 Fall 20131773522.1 Spring 201414112011.6 Fall 20142211461.86 Spring 20151356201.8 Fall 2015623012.0 Total N %11557 49% 27 24% 25 22% 6 5% 1.8 across 9 semesters Examination of senior level teacher candidates ’ prior experience working with culturally and linguistically diverse P-12 students

5 My “unconventional sabbatical” 1. I observed and recorded data about instructional practices which did/did not support learning of CLD population 2. I modeled instruction for teachers and regularly taught ESOL groups 3. I provided professional development targeting specific instructional practices which would support literacy needs of ESOL population 4. I surveyed teachers about their perceptions of PD and other bldg. and district supports provided to them to meet the needs of CLD students

6 Ah-ha! What I learned from the data collected O Students AND teachers NEED/WANT HELP! Ayudame, Por favor! and teacher survey data O CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS revealed that false efficacy isn't a “teacher candidate” only issue. Practicing teachers think they’ve had some PD but don’t practice what they’ve been taught. -frequency count data O TEACHER SURVEY (across all levels of years of service) yielded some unexpected patterns

7 Professional Development Survey (Sp 2013) O Teachers surveyed (n=32 respondents) O Equitably distributed across years of service O 100% have >25% CLD/ Gap Group 1 O 60% have >50% CLD/ Gap Group 1

8 External Professional Development Completed by Practicing Teachers of Gap 1 Students N=32SPEDELLPOVERTY % who have received69%68%59% Research on own67%57%70% Grad class or district workshop50%76%70% License or endorsement17%<10%

9 Imbedded Professional Development Completed by Practicing Teachers of Gap 1 Students N=32SPEDELLPOVERTY % who have received50%75%68% Type received most Specialist model Specialist model Type received 2 nd mostObserved a peer Observed by coach Type received 3 rd most Observed by a peer Observed by a peer Observed a peer Type received 4 th mostObserved by coach Observed by a peer

10 Practicing Teachers’ Desire for Imbedded Professional Development for CLD/Gap Group 1 Students Specialist model70% Observed a peer26% Observed by coach22% Observed by a peer13%

11 What imbedded PD they said they needed: 10% said “nothing at this time.” 68%Teaching strategies 55%Teaching resources 29%Specialists to model 23%Specialists to teach with [them] 13%More pull out of CLD

12 Diversity Differences among groups of people and individuals based on: ethnicity race, Socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical area CAEP

13 What do you see from your perspectives?

14 What? 1. What’s the problem? 2. What’s the impact (positive/negative) on : -our districts? -on our students? -on our teachers? -on our expectations of new hires? NOW WHAT? How can we be more intentional about: O the questions we ask in hiring? O the supports we provide at the district/building level? So what? What ARE we capable of doing? -about teacher preparation -about professional development

15 In their own way each teacher candidate and practicing teacher isindeed asking, “ Ayudame, Por favor!” How shall we respond?

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