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Straumann USA 60 Minuteman Road Andover, MA Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option The Pennsylvania State University Architectural Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Straumann USA 60 Minuteman Road Andover, MA Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option The Pennsylvania State University Architectural Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Straumann USA 60 Minuteman Road Andover, MA Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option The Pennsylvania State University Architectural Engineering

2 Presentation Outline  Existing conditions  Design Objectives  Mechanical Alternatives  Electrical Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle Cost Analysis  Conclusions Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA  INTRODUCTION  Existing Conditions  Design  Objectives  Mechanical Alternatives  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

3 Building Background Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA  Manufacturing Area  Manufacturing storage and support areas  Dental training and operatory  Administrative offices Introduction  EXISTING  CONDITIONS  Design  Objectives  Mechanical Alternatives  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

4 Original Project Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA  Renovation of 153,000ft 2  Complete airside upgrade  No central plant changes  Construction May 2004 – May 2005  Cost $10.6 million Introduction  EXISTING  CONDITIONS  Design  Objectives  Mechanical Alternatives  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

5 Mechanical Systems Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA  9 VAV AHU’s  1 CAV AHU  2 natural gas boilers (11.3 MBH) Introduction  EXISTING  CONDITIONS  Design  Objectives  Mechanical Alternatives  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  3 centrifugal chillers (750, 500, 350 tons)  2 cooling towers (750, 680 tons) 1 st FloorMezzanine

6 Design Objectives Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA  Educational experience  Reduce annual energy costs  Provide a lower 20 year LCC Introduction Existing Conditions  DESIGN  OBJECTIVES  Mechanical Alternatives  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

7 System Comparisons Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA  Airside  VAV vs DOAS  Waterside  Chillers  Direct-fire Absorption  Electric Centrifugal  Waterside Free Cooling  Series  Parallel Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

8 VAV System Advantages  Single system for ventilation and space cooling  Full air side economizing available  Lower pumping costs than DOAS Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

9 DOAS System Advantages  Reduced fan energy costs  Smaller air-handling units require less space and are cheaper  Decouples sensible and latent loads Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

10 DOAS Rooftop Unit Zones Reduced from 10 to 8 zones Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions RTU-1 RTU-5 RTU-2 RTU-6 RTU-3 RTU-7 RTU-4 RTU-8

11 DOAS Design Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Radiant panel capacity – 54 Btu/ft 2  Space DPT – 55°F  Water MWT – 56.5°F  Ventilation rate – ASHRAE 62.1  Design Temperatures  Winter – 7.7°F  Summer – 90.8°F/73.7°F Radiant Panel (Sterling)

12 Annual Energy Cost Comparison Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

13 Direct-fire Absorption Chiller Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions Absorption Chiller (Carrier)  Reduce electric load and demand  Natural gas available on site  Possibility for simultaneous heating and cooling

14 Chiller Annual Energy Comparison Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

15 Waterside Free Cooling - Parallel Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Reject heat without a chiller  Must be able to reject entire load

16 Waterside Free Cooling - Parallel Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Reject heat without a chiller  Must be able to reject entire load

17 Waterside Free Cooling - Parallel Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Reject heat without a chiller  Must be able to reject entire load

18 Waterside Free Cooling - Series Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Partially or completely rejects heat from chilled water  Operates more hours than parallel  Requires more complex controls

19 Waterside Free Cooling - Series Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Partially or completely rejects heat from chilled water  Operates more hours than parallel  Requires more complex controls

20 Waterside Free Cooling - Series Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Partially or completely rejects heat from chilled water  Operates more hours than parallel  Requires more complex controls

21 Waterside Free Cooling - Series Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Partially or completely rejects heat from chilled water  Operates more hours than parallel  Requires more complex controls

22 Waterside Free Cooling - Results Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

23 Electrical Breadth Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives  ELECTRICAL  BREADTH  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

24 Electrical Breadth Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives  ELECTRICAL  BREADTH  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

25 Construction Breadth Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth  CONSRUCTION BREADTH  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

26 Construction Breadth Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth  CONSRUCTION BREADTH  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions

27 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth Construction Breadth  LIFE CYCLE  COST ANALYSIS  Conclusions

28 Conclusions Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth Construction Breadth Life Cycle Cost Analysis  CONCLUSIONS  DOAS has a higher initial cost but has a lower annual operating cost and can be paid back in 3.7 years.  Absorption chillers increase annual operating costs.  Series waterside free cooling adds a few additional hours of free cooling but will add more complex controls.

29 Acknowledgements Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth Construction Breadth Life Cycle Cost Analysis Conclusions  AE Department  Mechanical Faculty  Bruce Chappell  William McGee  Paul Petrilli Questions?  Straumann USA  Brickstone Companies  Justin Bem  Markus Benzenhofer

30 Chiller Heater Feasibility Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives  MECHANICAL ALTERNATIVES  Electrical  Breadth  Construction Breadth  Life Cycle  Cost Analysis  Conclusions  Heating requirements: 3222 hrs  Simultaneous heating/cooling available: 733 hrs  Capable of meeting heating load: 507 hrs (16%)

31 Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth Construction Breadth Life Cycle Cost Analysis Conclusions Costs/ft 2 Component ElectricAbsorption Straumann VAVStraumann DOASStraumann VAVStraumann DOAS Air System Fans$0.47$0.33$0.47$0.33 Cooling$0.42$0.41$0.70$0.60 Heating$0.28$0.13$0.28$0.13 Pumps$0.12$0.16$0.14$0.19 Cooling Tower Fans$0.06 $0.09$0.06 HVAC Sub-Total$1.35$1.09$1.69$1.32 Lights$0.45 Electric Equipment$2.77 Non-HVAC Sub-Total$3.22 Grand Total$4.57$4.31$4.91$4.53 Component Energy (MMBTU) Electric Centrifugal ChillerDirect-fired Absorbtion Chiller Straumann VAV Straumann DOAS/VAV Straumann VAV Straumann DOAS/VAV Air System Fans1,5641,0931,5641,093 Cooling1,2291,2025,8385,072 Heating1,2506161,250616 Pumps356455439542 Cooling Tower Fans156155246146 HVAC Sub-Total4,5543,5219,3377,468 Lights1,509 Electric Equipment9,326 Non-HVAC Sub-Total10,835 Grand Total15,38914,35620,17218,303

32 Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth Construction Breadth Life Cycle Cost Analysis Conclusions

33 Kevin Kaufman Mechanical Option Straumann USA Introduction Existing Conditions Design Objectives Mechanical Alternatives Electrical Breadth Construction Breadth Life Cycle Cost Analysis Conclusions

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