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Environment vs Food.

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1 Environment vs Food

2 Myth To feed the hungry we are pushing production onto marginal land
destroying rainforests causing erosion poisoning the environment with pesticides Cannot feed the hungry and protect the environment

3 Environmental Destruction
70% of 5.2 billion hectares of ag land is in danger of being turned into desert At current rates, rain forests will be destroyed in 40 years Global pesticide use 4.7 billion tons/yr. 220,000 die each year from pesticide poisoning

4 Africa Traditional agriculture preserved semi-arid land
diverse mix of crops, trees and livestock 19th century colonists view: Land is a mine to extract wealth from Monoculture of export crops without rotation quickly depleted soil Peanuts, cotton Best land for Europeans worst land for Africans

5 Africa With independence (1960s) Low prices encouraged more planting
cash crops needed Low prices encouraged more planting Livestock displaced to drier lands increased desertification Now pastorialism is equated with poverty

6 U.S. Soil Destruction 30% of farmland abandoned since 18th century
Erosion Salinization water logging 1/3 of U.S. topsoil has been lost 1/2 of U.S. pastureland overgrazed erodes at high rate Export boom in 1970s increased erosion in Corn Belt 39% in three years Dustbowl 1930s

7 Iowa Topsoil Loss 150 years ago, Iowa topsoil was 12-16” deep
Now is 6-8” deep Current rate of loss: tons/acre/year

8 Global Soil Degradation


10 Rain Forests Rainforests 7% of land Source of
50% of plant and animal species Source of Beauty CO2 sink Pharmaceuticals Chocolate, cashews, bananas, brazil nuts, cortisone, quinine

11 Rain Forest Destruction
In 20th century rain forests depleted 50% At current deforestation rates, rainforests will be totally cleared in 40 years Amazon is being destroyed at a rate of 20,000 sq miles/year

12 Rondonia, Brazil 1980s displaced poor farmers flooded Amazon region
slashed and burned to clear land, plant crops Displaced indigenous peoples Most failed after few seasons when land exhausted Cattle ranchers then moved onto land 1990s: Cattle, Soybeans, Logging destroy forest

13 Rainforests of the World

14 Deforestation: Bolivia
80% clearing carried out by large land holders for cattle, soybeans 20% cleared by small farmers Thus most of clearing is not to feed hungry

15 Deforestation: Central America
Most of the tropical rain forest has been affected by: Logging Banana Plantations Cattle Ranching

16 Deforestation: Indonesia
tropical fires created huge smoke cloud thousands of square miles Fires blamed on poor clearing land Actually, most from Logging plantations

17 Pesticides 4.7 billion tons pesticides used worldwide
2 billion pounds in U.S. 25% in California 7 lb for every person Pesticide poisoning in U.S. : 300,000 farmworkers/ yr 30% U.S. use for corn, wheat. 25% U.S. use in golf courses and lawns

18 US Geological Survey 1997

19 Iowa Atrazine Use 2003 Area applied – 70% of 12.4 million acres in corn Application rate: 0.91 lbs/Acre = 582 lbs/section Total Applied: 8,598,000 lbs (2003) Total area Iowa: 56,000 sq miles 153 lbs/section on average Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

20 Pesticides in Developing Countries
The most harmful pesticides banned in U.S. Used, made in developing countries Without much protection to workers Used for export fruit, vegetables About 50% used for appearances Not used for staple crops in developing countries Expensive Mixed cropping of staple crops less susceptible

21 Pesticides in Developing Countries
Protection for workers low Regulations lax Toxicity education poor Mexican girl drinking from pesticide container

22 Pesticides Despite 10x increase in toxicity
crop losses have doubled from insect pests 0.1% pesticides reaches pests. Rest into environment

23 Pesticide Treadmill Central America increased cotton production
between Boom displaced small scale food producers resulting in unrest, violence Boom made possible by pesticide spraying for Boll Weevil At first, sprayed only few times/season Insects develop resistance to insecticide Requires spraying more

24 Pesticide Treadmill By mid-1960s were spraying 10 times/season
Pesticides killed natural insect predators Eventually spraying 40 times/season costing 50% of production Cost too high, leading to Bust Now wasted, eroded soils ghost towns Cotton boom- bust increased hunger left economic ruin environmental devastation

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