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My Final Year By: Catherine Moore. The Beginning For my second year I was placed at a new site where a license was pending in order to serve children.

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Presentation on theme: "My Final Year By: Catherine Moore. The Beginning For my second year I was placed at a new site where a license was pending in order to serve children."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Final Year By: Catherine Moore

2 The Beginning For my second year I was placed at a new site where a license was pending in order to serve children in the community. Although I entered the doors of the church I was still willing and strive my best to serve the kids in the area of technology to help succeed in their education.

3 Roxbury Presbyterian Church Social Impact Center’s Mission To create a stronger, more vibrant, Roxbury Community through the development of and implementation of strong, social and economical development that are open to all people. In having months without any children, the Interim Director and the Social Impact Center staff continued to think of strategies so that this mission would be fulfilled, once the doors were open to children in the community.

4 Mission cont….. With this mission in mind the Social Impact Center, it was imperative that No Child would be Left Behind no matter the present knowledge and education of the child.

5 Recruiting In the community there were various workshops that I and the Interim Director attended, so that different communities would know about the upcoming after school program. Workshops at Umass Boston, Roxbury Community College and other community centers. Also passed out flyers to homes and schools in the Roxbury area.

6 New Director-Moving Forward Social Impact Center then hired a full- time Director and how she agreed with the mission statement and try to enroll children in the after school program. In stepping into this role the Director received substantial amount of help from the BMA and other community resources and leaders.

7 Volunteers Advertised the on the internet that the church was looking for volunteers to help with the children once the after school program started. Unsuccessful  ((

8 Curricula Still fulfilling my requirements I made sure that I had my curriculm so that when children entered the program they would be ready to learn through technology. For example, Black History Month, Women’s Month, U.S., Ancient History and various educational games.

9 One Leads to Twelve-The Finale With all the hard work that was done, one child enrolled towards the end of the school year. Giving kids something to do and somewhere to go for the summer, the Social Impact Center were permitted to have a summer program. In having a new license and only one child in the beginning of the school year, the summer camp were blessed to have twelve children enroll in the summer program.

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