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Evaluating Fundamentalism Drawing conclusions & formulating arguments For each statement, decide whether you agree & what reasons you would give to explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Fundamentalism Drawing conclusions & formulating arguments For each statement, decide whether you agree & what reasons you would give to explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Fundamentalism Drawing conclusions & formulating arguments For each statement, decide whether you agree & what reasons you would give to explain why / why not.

2 Fundamentalism is for people who are unable or unwilling to think intelligently about religion  Interpretation of Biblical texts requires careful thought & consideration – it is easier to see it all as literal. (fundamentalism = laziness?)  Is it intelligent to believe that a snake could speak Hebrew?  How could the 1 st day of creation be 24 hrs when the sun was not created until the 3 rd day?  Fundamentalism prevents religious belief from growing and gaining a better understanding in light of 21 st knowledge  Will an emphasis on fundamentalism eventually mean religion will die out as people are unable to deny the scientific facts of creation & evolution?

3 The Bible contains wisdom and truths that are specific to the time & culture in which it was written – to interpret it literally is to miss the real truths which lie behind the text.  Focussing on how means we overlook why.  Perhaps the Bible is not intended to provide scientific answers?  Does the defending of literal truths damage other peoples’ perception of Christianity?  The Bible has great wisdom & value in its moral principles and emphasis on justice & equality – perhaps this gets overlooked in defending the 7 day creation account?  Egs: Parable of the Lost Sheep (its not about sheep!)

4 The real concerns for 21 st C believers are not dealt with by Fundamentalism – ensuring global peace, eradicating poverty and promoting equality.  Fundamentalism is preoccupied in defending the supernatural elements of religion  The early fundamentalists condemned the spread of the “social gospel”  Jesus taught to “love your neighbour” surely this is more important than arguing the truth of Adam & Eve’s existence  Many Christians see their purpose as creating a Kingdom of God on earth – peace, equality and harmony for all

5 Where religious belief is relaxed & diluted, sexual promiscuity, social unrest and family breakdowns all increase as a result  Perhaps a return to the traditional moral principles will save society from “going to hell in a handcart”?  Modern moral issues cannot be effectively dealt with using moral commands that are over 1000 yrs old?  Morality from God is more reliable than morality decided upon by society  Divorce, murder, teen pregnancy rates all higher in the “Bible Belt” of USA

6 Fundamentalism often mistakes cultural traditions for religious doctrines.  Treatment of women – due to patriarchal society or Divine command?  Condemnation of homosexuality – to ensure the flourishing of a nomadic tribe or Divine Command?  In Islam: the wearing of the niqab – practical face covering in desert winds or required by God?  Restriction over eating pork – danger of contracting diseases in warm climates or forbidden by God?

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