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Wuthering heights Volume 2 Chapter 9 By Lord Christie.

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1 Wuthering heights Volume 2 Chapter 9 By Lord Christie

2 Overview Cathy and Nelly ride to Wuthering heights in the rain. There they find Linton who whines about the servants and complains about Cathy not coming to visit him before now. Linton then brings up the possibility of marriage. Continued on next slide init brah!!!!

3 Cathy gets annoyed at this and shoves Linton's chair, which sends Linton into a spasm of coughing. Linton says that Catherine has assaulted him and worsened his already frail condition. Doing his best to make Catherine feel guilty, he then asks her to nurse him back to health herself. Yet again another slide!!!

4 Nelly and Cathy return to Thrushcross Grange, where Nelly comes down with a cold from riding to Wuthering heights and back in the rain. Catherine dutifully nurses both Nelly and her father by day and night, she takes the opportunity to secretly go to Wuthering heights to see linton.

5 The main features of the chapter areeeeeeeeee…… Linton moaning during Cathy's visit and guilt tripping her by claiming he's seriously injured. Cathy starts sneaking out of thrushcross Grange at night to visit Linton at Wuthering Heights


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