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1 System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA Training Approvals.

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Presentation on theme: "1 System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA Training Approvals."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA Training Approvals

2 2 Agenda  Lesson 1: Approvals and Approval Roles  Lesson 2: Approval Processes  Lesson 3: Applying an Approval Process

3 3 Lesson 1 Approvals and Approval Roles

4 4 Lesson Objectives  Define an approval role  Add a new approval role  Assign an approval role to a learner

5 5 What is a Training Approval?  Approval process can be created and applied to an item or scheduled offering.  Useful in making learners receive the necessary approval through SATERN prior to self-registering into a scheduled offering or launching an online item.  Can be created to include one approval step or as many as six.  NASA Business Rule: The creation of the approval roles and approval processes is completed by the NSSC with the approval of the Executive Committee.

6 6 Approval Process Setup

7 7 Approval Roles  An approval role is a role that can be assigned to a learner for participation in the approval process as a training approver.  Approval roles are created by the NSSC as a reference and require an ID. Entering a description is also strongly recommended.

8 8 Lab 1: Demonstration Adding a New Approval Role – Performed by NSSC

9 9 Applying an Approval Role to a Learner  Learners can have multiple approval roles assigned to him/her  Each assigned approval role can be domain controlled, so the learner only acts as the approver for learners in the selected domain(s).  Example: Joe is a Training Coordinator – KSC Domain Susan is a Training Coordinator – ARC Domain Keith is a Training Coordinator – DFRC Domain

10 10 Lab 2 Assigning an Approval Role to a Learner

11 11 Lesson Wrap-Up  Defined an approval role  Added a new approval role  Assigned an approval role to a learner

12 12 Lesson Check

13 13 Lesson 2 Approval Processes

14 14 Lesson Objectives  Define an approval process  Add a new approval process  Assign an approval role to an approval process

15 15 Approval Process  Can include up to 6 steps Each step has associated approval role or specified learner  Can be applied to an item  Can be applied to a scheduled offering Can override the Item setting  Note: If your center would like to utilize other approval processes that are not currently defined in SATERN, you must call the Help Desk at 1-877-NSSC-123 to have those configured and created for use. (New roles can only be requested by a Center or Discipline SAL.)

16 16 Adding a New Process  Created by the NSSC after approval from the Executive Committee through the References menu

17 17 Lab 3: Demonstration Adding a New Approval Process – Performed by NSSC

18 18 Lesson Wrap-Up  Defined an approval process  Added a new approval process  Assigned an approval role to an approval process

19 19 Lesson Check

20 20 Lesson 3 Applying an Approval Process

21 21 Lesson Objectives  Apply an approval process to an item  Apply an approval process to a scheduled offering  Define the entire approval process

22 22 Applying an Approval Process to an Item Set at the item level Becomes the default process when scheduled Approvals required for all learners if classified as Online item

23 23 Lab 4 Assigning an Approval Process to an Item

24 24 Applying an Approval Process to a Scheduled Offering  Approval process can be set (changed)  Self-registration must be enabled  Approval process kicks-off when a learner registers for an available offering

25 25 Registering with an Approval Process

26 26 Training Approval Alert

27 27 Pending Reviews and Approvals

28 28 Administrator Approving on Behalf of Approver  NASA Business Rules If a learner’s supervisor is unavailable to approve the scheduled offering and/or external training request in a timely manner, the Center Level 1 Administrator can approve the training with a written authorization (e- mail) from the learner’s supervisor to approve the training for the learner. The administrator should use the comments field to include remarks that reflect that the approval was made by the Level 1 Administrator on behalf of the supervisor. Administrators should not “super-approve” the Training Office step, because training codes cannot be entered.

29 29 Lesson Wrap-Up  Applied an approval process to an item  Applied an approval process to a scheduled offering  Defined the entire approval process

30 30 Lesson Check

31 31 Course Summary  Described the capabilities of the approval process  Created an approval role  Assigned an approval role to a learner  Created an approval process  Applied an approval process to an item  Applied an approval process to a scheduled offering

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