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Topic: Science Primary 4 - Water List of sub-topics –States of water –Changes of states –Freezing and Melting –Boiling –Evaporation –Condensation Games.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Science Primary 4 - Water List of sub-topics –States of water –Changes of states –Freezing and Melting –Boiling –Evaporation –Condensation Games."— Presentation transcript:


2 Topic: Science Primary 4 - Water List of sub-topics –States of water –Changes of states –Freezing and Melting –Boiling –Evaporation –Condensation Games Assessments & Activities


4 Organize *Click on the following link to open*. States of waterStates of water. Changes in the states of waterChanges in the states of water. Freezing and MeltingFreezing and Melting. BoilingBoiling. EvaporationEvaporation. CondensationCondensation

5 Think Click on the links below to read your instructions before proceeding to the next task. states of water changes in the states of water freezing and melting boiling evaporation condensation

6 Explore LINKS TO ADDITIONAL READING MATERIALS & ACTIVITIES Science clip 1 Science clip 2 Lets change the state of water! States of Water Solid Liquid Gas

7 Apply ASSESSMENT CORNER *Click the following link to do your assessment* Sheet 1 Sheet 2 - Part 1 Part 1 - Part 2 Part 2

8 Water exists in states : –Liquid –Solid –Gaseous or Gas ExampleS : Solid – Ice or Snow Liquid – Water Gas – Water vapour / Steam

9 The water that comes out of our taps is a liquid. Hence it is called water in a liquid state. If we put water in a freezer, it changes to ice. Ice is a solid, therefore it is water in a solid state.

10 If we boil water for a long time, it disappears. It changes to steam or water vapour. Steam or water vapour is a gas, thus it is water in the gaseous state. On whole, water exists in 3 different states namely liquid state, solid state and gaseous state.

11 1. Can you see steam? 2. Water has many uses. Give some examples. Review Questions…. What is the three states of water? What is the other name for steam?


13 CHANGES IN STATES OF WATER Water can exist in any of the 3 states depending on its temperature. Water gains heat when heated. Water loses heat when cooled. Change water from one state to another. HEAT

14 1. What happened to the temperature when water gains and loses heat? Review Question Water requires _______ energy to change its states.

15 Freezing

16 REEZING When water becomes cold, it loses heat. –Its temperature falls. At 0°C, water changes to ice. –Changes : Liquid state to Solid state Hence, the changes from liquid to solid is called FREEZING. The temperature of 0°c is called the freezing point of water.

17 1.What are the uses of ice? Review Questions What happens to water when we put it in the freezer? What is the temperature 0°c implies to?


19 Changes of water from solid to liquid is called melting. Ice melts at 0°c. The temperature where ice melts is called the melting point. Ice can change into water. Water can also change into ice.

20 1. What is a cycle? 2. Some water changes to ice. The ice then melts and change to water. This is a ‘water cycle’. Why? Review Question What happens to ice when it gets warm?

21 Boiling

22 Another state of water is boiling. Boiling is the process whereby water changes to steam. When we heat water, it becomes hot and start to boil at the temperature of 100°C. This is the boiling point of water. Boiling = Water  Steam Boiling

23 1.What happened when we boil water? Review Questions What is the temperature of boiling water? What is steam?


25 Water does not have to boil to change into gas. This change can happen at any temperature. What will happen if you wash your clothes and hang them up?

26 We cannot see water vapour. Water vapour is water in gaseous state. The liquid water in your clothes changes into a gas called WATER VAPOUR.

27 We call this change from liquid to gas EVAPORATION. Water Water Vapour When all the liquid water in your clothes has evaporated, your clothes are dry. EVAPORATION



30 1.Do you think evaporation happens when water boils? 2.Both steam and water vapour are gases. What is the difference? Review Questions What is evaporation? What is water vapour?

31 What is condensation ?

32 There is a lot of water vapour in the air. We cannot see this water vapour. When water vapour touches something cold for example, a cold glass the water vapour changes into liquid water. This change of state is called CONDENSATION. Water VapourWater CONDENSATION

33 Condensation also happens when water boils. When water boils it changes into steam. When steam touches cold air, we can see a cloud. This cloud is made up of tiny drops of water. The steam has condensed into water. Steam Water Water can change into steam and steam can also change back into water again. CONDENSATION


35 1.Have you seen drops of water on a cold glass? Where does the water come from? 2.If someone wear glasses, what will happened if he/she move from a cold room into warm air? Why? Review Question What happens in condensation? What are the changes of states taking place in condensation?





40 Boiling Water Ice Drinking Water




44 States of Water Click ‘ORGANIZE’, read the lesson notes on states of water. Answer the questions given. Discuss with teacher.

45 CHANGES IN THE STATES OF WATER Click ‘ORGANIZE’, read the lesson notes on THIS TOPIC. Answer the questions. Discuss with teacher.

46 Freezing and Melting Click ‘ORGANIZE’, read the lesson notes on THIS TOPIC. Answer the questions. Discuss with teacher. Link the terms ice, water, melting and freezing. Infer that the air temperature must be less than 0°c for freezing to takes place and the processes is reversible.

47 Boiling Click ‘ORGANIZE’, read the lesson notes on Boiling. Answer the question. Discuss with teacher.

48 Evaporation Click ‘ORGANIZE’, read the lesson notes on THIS TOPIC. Answer the questions. Discuss with the teacher.

49 Condensation Click ‘ORGANIZE’, read the lesson notes on Condensation. Answer the questions. Discuss with teacher. Relate the process of condensation and Evaporation.

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