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Verben im Präsens (verbs in the simple present). Steps to build the simple present: 1.Take the infinitive, e.g. kommen 2.Take away the en to create the.

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Presentation on theme: "Verben im Präsens (verbs in the simple present). Steps to build the simple present: 1.Take the infinitive, e.g. kommen 2.Take away the en to create the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verben im Präsens (verbs in the simple present)

2 Steps to build the simple present: 1.Take the infinitive, e.g. kommen 2.Take away the en to create the stem -> komm 3.add the ending, dependent on the person you use: i.e. 1. Person Singular: e -> ich komm e 2. Person Singular: st -> du komm st

3 1. Person Singular ichkomm 2. Person Singular dukomm 3. Person Singular er/sie/eskomm 1. Person Plural wirkomm 2. Person Plural ihrkomm 3. Person Plural siekomm Formelle FormSiekomm e st t en t

4 We add an e in the 2. / 3. Person Singular and the 2. Person Plural with verbs that end in the stem t, d, m or n e.g. arbei t en (work), fin d en (find) The reason for adding an e is to simplify the way of speaking.

5 1. Person Singular icharbeit 2. Person Singular duarbeit 3. Person Singular er/sie/esarbeit 1. Person Plural wirarbeit 2. Person Plural ihrarbeit 3. Person Plural siearbeit Formelle FormSiearbeit e est etet en etet

6 We omit the s in the 2. Person Singular with verbs that end in the stem with ß, s, ss, z or tz e.g. hei ß en, rei s en, sitzen The reason for omitting the s is to simplify the way of speaking. Study Tip - in this case 2.Person Singular and 3.Person Singular are the same

7 1. Person Singular ichheiß 2. Person Singular duheiß 3. Person Singular er/sie/esheiß 1. Person Plural wirheiß 2. Person Plural ihrheiß 3. Person Plural sieheiß Formelle FormSieheiß e t t en t

8 There are some verbs that change the vowel in the 2. and 3. Person Singular. Common changes are e -> i (e.g. sprechen) or ie (e.g. lesen), a -> ä (e.g. fahren) Study Tip - learn verbs with the Infinitive and the 3. Person Singular (so you know when there is a vowel change)

9 1. Person Singular ichsprech 2. Person Singular dusprech 3. Person Singular er/sie/essprech 1. Person Plural wirsprech 2. Person Plural ihrsprech 3. Person Plural siesprech Formelle FormSiesprech e sprichst sprich t en t

10 1. Person Singular ichles 2. Person Singular dules 3. Person Singular er/sie/esles 1. Person Plural wirles 2. Person Plural ihrles 3. Person Plural sieles Formelle FormSieles e en t lies t t

11 1. Person Singular ichfahr 2. Person Singular dufahr 3. Person Singular er/sie/esfahr 1. Person Plural wirfahr 2. Person Plural ihrfahr 3. Person Plural siefahr Formelle FormSiefahr e en t fähr t st

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