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 2013 Cengage-Wadsworth A National Nutrition Agenda for the Public’s Health.

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1  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth A National Nutrition Agenda for the Public’s Health

2  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth National Nutrition Policy National nutrition policy - nationwide guidelines which specify meeting nutritional needs of people Address issues of: hunger malnutrition food safety food labeling and menu labeling food fortification sustainable agricultural practices nutrition research

3  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth National Nutrition Policy Does the U.S. have a national nutrition policy? YES and NO NO – no single federal agency has mandate to handle national nutrition policy as its sole function YES – responsibility is divided among congressional committees, federal agencies, and major departments

4  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Elements of Nutrition Policy Food assistance programs National nutrition and health objectives Regulations to safeguard food supply and ensure safe handling of food Dietary guidance systems Monitoring and surveillance programs Food labeling legislation

5  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth National Nutrition Monitoring Tracking of food supply and food consumption began in 1909 Analyzes relationship between diet and health in the population

6 National Nutrition Monitoring Objectives  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth

7 National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Program (NNMRRP) Established by Congress in 1990 Implementation and coordination of activities by USDA and DHHS Monitoring data are used to assess the dietary, nutritional, and related health status of the population More than 50 surveillance systems are operative

8  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Program (NNMRRP) Activities associated with NNMRRP grouped into five measurement components: Nutritional status and nutrition-related health measurements Food and nutrient consumption Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior assessments Food composition and nutrient databases Food supply determinations

9  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Nutritional Status and Nutrition-Related Health Measurements National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Series Representative sample of civilian noninstitutionalized population ages 2 months and older Dietary intake (one 24-hour recall) Body composition Biochemical analyses of blood and urine Bone density Dietary and health behaviors Collects data at household, family, and individual level

10  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth NHANES Mobile Examination Centers

11  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Food and Nutrient Consumption “What We Eat in America Survey” Dietary interview component of NHANES Individuals in households, one sample with all levels of income, another of low-income households One-day and 3-day food intakes of individuals (1-day recall, 2-day record) Times of eating occasions Sources of food eaten away from home

12  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Food and Nutrient Consumption Total Diet Study (TDS) Eight age groups, infant through elderly Assesses for nutrients and contaminants in foods Estimates levels of 11 essential minerals Collects and analyzes 234 foods from retail markets in urban areas

13  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior Assessments Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) (annually since 1984) – telephone survey of adults 18 y.o. and older Demographic information Height, weight Smoking, alcohol use Weight control practices Diabetes Preventable health problems Cholesterol-screening practices, awareness, treatment Food frequencies for dietary fat, fruit, and vegetable consumption

14  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth National Nutrient Data Bank (established in 1892) – updated on a regular basis Nutrient content of foods Published tables of food composition Computerized databases Food Composition and Nutrient Data Base

15  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Food Composition and Nutrient Data Base USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference (initiated in 1980) – produced from National Nutrient Data Bank Includes data on food energy, 28 food components, and 18 amino acids for about 5,200 food items Main source of data for USDA Survey Nutrient Data Base

16  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Food Composition and Nutrient Data Base USDA Survey Nutrient Data Base - updated continuously Used for analysis of nationwide dietary intake surveys Includes data on food energy and 28 food components for >7,100 food items

17  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Food-Supply Determinations U.S. Food and Nutrition Supply Series (annually) – U.S. total population Quantities of food available for consumption on a per capita basis Quantities of food energy, nutrients, and food components provided by these foods (calculated)

18 Food-Supply Determinations Specific uses of NNMRRP surveys  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth

19 Food-Supply Determinations  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth

20 Food-Supply Determinations Specific uses of NNMRRP surveys  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth

21 Nutrient Intake Standards Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) Developed to be used in planning and assessing the diets of individuals and groups Are major shift from prevention of nutrient deficiencies to prevention of chronic disease Include change in role of dietary supplements in achieving good health Include three values in addition to the RDAs: Estimated Average Requirement, Adequate intake, and Tolerable Upper Intake Level

22  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Dietary Guidance Systems Dietary Guidelines for Americans Were developed to promote health and reduce chronic disease risks Includes basic guidelines for healthy eating Must be revised every 5 years; newest revision 2010

23  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Following the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

24  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Dietary Guidance Systems Other government dietary guidelines: National Cancer Institute National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Nongovernment dietary recommendations: American Heart Association American Cancer Society

25  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Food Intake Patterns Food Group Plans – first plan published in 1916 MyPlate: Was developed to help consumers obtain the nutrients and substances needed for good health by eating a variety of foods

26  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth Implementing the Recommendations Translate recommendations into food- specific guides for consumers Program directors can use policy tools for implementing programs Policy making continues to change – need to address food insecurity, hunger, malnutrition

27 Implementing the Recommendations  2013 Cengage-Wadsworth

28 Implementing the Recommendations

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