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Torquay Locality Development. Torquay Locality Resident population (2013) (population that live in the area) 65,800 Registered population (2015) (population.

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Presentation on theme: "Torquay Locality Development. Torquay Locality Resident population (2013) (population that live in the area) 65,800 Registered population (2015) (population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Torquay Locality Development

2 Torquay Locality Resident population (2013) (population that live in the area) 65,800 Registered population (2015) (population that are registered to a GP) 71,900 Source: Resident population estimates based on 2013 LSOA population estimates, ONS. Registered population estimates derived from practice lists Aug 2015

3 Estimated registered populationChange in estimated registered population 20152020202520302015 to 20202015 to 20252015 to 2030 0 to 1411,47112,16012,32812,2106.0%7.5%6.4% 15 to 2912,45511,82711,67411,844-5.0%-6.3%-4.9% 30 to 4412,42012,31913,05213,117-0.8%5.1%5.6% 45 to 6419,60319,54618,85217,912-0.3%-3.8%-8.6% 65 to 8413,55014,40015,43516,6716.3%13.9%23.0% 85+2,3552,6543,1723,90912.7%34.7%66.0% Total71,85472,90674,51275,6631.5%3.7%5.3% Registered Population Projections Source: local registered population modelled against Sub National Population Projections (ONS)

4 Registered Population Projections Average age (Years) Torquay South Devon and Torbay England 2015 43.3 45.340.3 2020 43.7 46.041.0 2025 44.4 46.941.7 2030 44.9 47.642.4 Source: local registered population modelled against Sub National Population Projections (ONS)

5 2015 Index of Multiple Deprivation Source: 2015 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation, ONS. Least deprived area in Torquay Part of the Cockington with Chelston Electoral Ward Most deprived area in Torquay Part of the Tormohun Electoral Ward

6 Torquay Resident Profile Least vs Most Deprived Areas Measure Least deprived small area (Cockington with Chelston) Most deprived small area (Tormohun) Life expectancy at birth (2011-2013)88.7yrs74.6yrs Life expectancy at 65 (2011-2013)24.4yrs19.7yrs Population under 16 (2013)12.6%16.1% Population 85 and over (2013)5.4%2.5% Index of Multiple Deprivation score (2015)5.967.4 % income deprived (2015)4.6%38.8% % employment deprived (2015)6.6%35.0% Jobseekers Allowance Claimant rate (2011-2013)1.1%11.6% Emergency admission rate per 10,000 (2011/12-2013/14) 7541,397 General fertility rate per 1,000 (2009-2012)45.957.8 Source: 2015 English Indices of multiple deprivation, Births data, ONS. PCMD, SUS, HSCIC.

7 Torquay Resident Population Profile Least vs Most Deprived Areas, 2013 Source: 2015 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation, 2013 Population estimates, ONS.

8 Torquay– Least Deprived Small Area Source: 2015 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation, ONS.

9 Torquay– Most Deprived Small Area Source: 2015 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation, ONS.

10 Estimated Burden of Disease Estimated burden of disease Number of patients with disease; known or not known to primary care 201520202025 2015 to 2020 change 2015 to 2025 change Coronary heart disease 4,0554,3724,7547.8%17.2% Chronic kidney disease 6,3596,8457,5337.6%18.5% People aged 65 and over predicted to have: Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes 1,9852,1282,3147.2%16.5% A longstanding health condition caused by a stroke 3694024488.9%21.5% Dementia 1,1531,2911,50712.0%30.7% Depression 1,3651,4571,5906.8%16.5% Severe depression 4364675287.0%21.1% A longstanding health condition caused by bronchitis and emphysema 2702903187.6%17.8% A moderate or severe visual impairment 1,3881,5191,7279.4%24.4% A moderate or severe, or profound, hearing impairment 4,8195,2766,0239.5%25.0% Source: Registered populations applied to: CHD, London Health Observatory. CKD prevalence, Public Health England. People aged 65 and over, POPPI

11 Community Overview Source: 2014/15 South Devon and Torbay Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

12 GP Consultations: 511,276 Community Therapy and Nursing Services: 113,185 Secondary Care Outpatient Appointments: 115,144 A&E and MIU Attendances: 26,102 Radiology events: 28,021 Elective Acute Care: 12,523 Non Elective Acute Care: 7,805 Intermediate Care: 9,696 Community Hospital Admissions: 512 Totality of Health Service Use: Torquay Locality Figures relate to activity not people and is based on available NHS data

13 A New Model of Care for Torquay


15 Model of Care for Torquay Complex co-morbidities supported in community Multi-skilled and multi-functional workforce Co-location - integrated care teams providing a holistic offer, improved co- ordination, multi-disciplinary and outcomes-based approach to care. “Every Contact Counts” – maximising self-care and health promotion; becomes embedded in the community. Primary and community care brought together as a single service offer. Accountable for all community-based care of the population Aim – 85% of all health and care need met in the community

16 Model of Care for Torquay Enhance existing services, develop community assets. DGH continue to provide radiology, A&E, elective care, OP Remote access to specialist advice for GPs and other care professionals Ability to extend scope and ambition of care model according to aspirations Operational delivery phased to enable a transition over time to new ways of working Gradually push boundaries of what we can achieve

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