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Cyber Bullying. video Types of cyber bullying Instant message Text message Blogs Websites Internet polling Impersonation Posting pictures Recording conversations.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Bullying. video Types of cyber bullying Instant message Text message Blogs Websites Internet polling Impersonation Posting pictures Recording conversations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Bullying

2 video

3 Types of cyber bullying Instant message Text message Blogs Websites Internet polling Impersonation Posting pictures Recording conversations

4 Statistics 22% of students know someone who has been bullied online. 19% of students admit to saying something hurtful to others online. 12% of students have personally become upset by strangers online. 90% of middle schoolers have had their feeling hurt online. 75% have visited a website bashing another student. 40% have had their password stolen.

5 Some Math Lets take those statistics and apply them to the NCSD, which has 17,508 students enrolled for 09-10. 3851.76 students know someone who has been bullied online. 3326.52 students admit to saying something hurtful online. 13131 students have visited websites bashing another student.

6 Why do kids cyber bully? 22% are motivated by revenge. 18.7% say their victims deserved it. 10.6% say they did it for fun. 3.9% hated their victims. 3.5% pressured by peers. 41.3% other reasons.

7 Signs of Cyber Bullying

8 Bullies are no longer restricted to the school yard. They are often online, out of the sight and earshot of teachers and parents.

9 One of the most threatening aspects of being a victim of cyber bullying is that… …You can’t see the bully and you often don’t even know who it is.

10 If a child is being harassed or bullied on line, he or she may: Be reluctant to use the computer or electronic device Appears nervous or jumpy when an Instant Message, text message, or Email appears Appears uneasy about going to school or outside in general Appears to be angry, depressed, or frustrated after using the computer Become reclusive, anti-social and/or is losing friends Have an unusual interest in self-harm or in suicide Not feel well, headaches, upset stomach

11 Signs of a child may be the bully He or she may use numerous online accounts or accounts that are not theirs When using the computer or electronic device, he or she excessively laughs May close or click out whatever he or she is doing when a person walks by May frequently use the computer, especially at night May become upset if computer access or other electronic device is denied

12 Cyber safety is Everybody’s Business The fight against cyber bullying needs the cooperation of the schools, parents, and the children all together.

13 Resources National Crime Prevention Council website -

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