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SACU – EFTA FREE TRADE AREA. The European Union A customs union, like SACU Principle of the “acquis de communataire” EU enlargements: * 1973 *1981 *1986.

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Presentation on theme: "SACU – EFTA FREE TRADE AREA. The European Union A customs union, like SACU Principle of the “acquis de communataire” EU enlargements: * 1973 *1981 *1986."— Presentation transcript:


2 The European Union A customs union, like SACU Principle of the “acquis de communataire” EU enlargements: * 1973 *1981 *1986 *1995 *2004 *2007 (foreseen for Bulgaria and Romania)

3 EU 15 19571973198119861995 BelgiumDenmarkGreeceSpainAustria FranceIrelandPortugalFinland GermanyUKSweden Italy Luxemb. Netherl.

4 EU Enlargement 2004 Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovenia Slovakia

5 European Free Trade Association Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein Not a customs union Closely integrated with the EU Trails the EU in relation to 3 rd countries But does not have the common policies and pooling of resources as the EU has

6 POLITICAL ECONOMY SA trade policy vis-à-vis Europe * Harmonisation on the back of the TDCA *Single trading regime: SADC-EU SACU – EFTA *Built SACU’s common policies *Would inform the review of the TDCA

7 ECONOMIC RATIONALE Contractual versus unilateral access GSP versus FTA Small but wealthy markets Clothing and textiles stand to benefit

8 SCOPE OF MAIN AGREEMENT Trade in goods *Tariff liberalisation *Subject to rules of origin New generation issues *Only cooporative provisions *Rendez-vous clause

9 CONTENT OF MAIN AGREEMENT Fish & marine Processed agriculture Industrial EFTA offer Duty free on 01/01/07 Equivalence with access enjoyed by EU Duty free and quota free on 01/01/07 SACU offer Certain lines back loaded Almost similar to access enjoyed by EU Almost similar to EU access

10 Liberalisation schedules EUEFTA List 020002003 List 12000-20032003 List 22003-20052006-2008 List 32003-20122006-2015 List 42005-20122008-2015 List 5Partial, in 7 th year of implementation Partial liberalisation in 4 th year of imple. List 6Reserved list


12 State of play All 9 parties committed to ratify before end of November If that is achieved, agreement to enter into force on 01/01/07

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