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Today  Current events  Video  Lecture on interest groups  Activity  Worksheets  exit.

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Presentation on theme: "Today  Current events  Video  Lecture on interest groups  Activity  Worksheets  exit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today  Current events  Video  Lecture on interest groups  Activity  Worksheets  exit

2 Chapter 9 Section 1 The Nature of Interest Groups

3 Interest Groups  Groups that exist to shape public policy  You are allowed to organize with like minded people to affect change  1 st Amendment  Public Policy:  All of the goals a government sets and the various courses of action it pursues as it attempts to realize these goals

4 Interest Groups and Political Parties  They are very similar in a number of ways because they are doing very similar activities  How are they different?  Interest groups don’t make nominations  Interest groups primary focus is public policy not winning elections  Interest groups usually have a narrower scope

5 3 Reasons why Interest Groups reach out to the public 1. Supply the public with information 2. Build positive image for the group 3. To promote a particular public policy

6 How??  Propaganda  A type of persuasion aimed at influencing individual or group behaviors  Create a particular belief  True or false  Lobbying  Those activities which group pressures are brought to bear on legislators and the legislative process  Can be good or bad





11 Types of interest groups  What is the purpose of your type of interest group?  Any vocabulary associated with your interest group  What type of people join this type of Interest Group?  Give an example and why does it make a good example  Each person write would you join this type of group why or why not?

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