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Jim Grice, Licensing Lead April 12, 2012. Topics of Discussion  Who we are  What we do  Recent Statutory and Regulatory Changes  Energy Fuels Uranium.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Grice, Licensing Lead April 12, 2012. Topics of Discussion  Who we are  What we do  Recent Statutory and Regulatory Changes  Energy Fuels Uranium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Grice, Licensing Lead April 12, 2012

2 Topics of Discussion  Who we are  What we do  Recent Statutory and Regulatory Changes  Energy Fuels Uranium Mill License  Decommissioning at Cotter Mill  TENORM Issues (AGAIN?)

3 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)  Radiation Management Program Steve Tarlton, Program Manager Radioactive Materials Unit-Regulate Use of Radioactive Materials X-ray Unit-Regulates Use of Radiation Producing Machines Radon Uranium Projects

4 CDPHE Radioactive Materials Unit  Jennifer Opila, Unit Leader  Jim Grice, Licensing Lead  Ed Stroud, Compliance Lead  6 Technical Staff (Licensing and Inspections) One new employee, Carrie Romanchek Megan Brown Mark Dater James DeWolfe Chas Etherton Phillip Peterson  Work with Uranium Staff- Edgar Ethington (one vacant position)  Work with James Jarvis on Regulations and Policies

5 What We Do  Regulate all Radioactive Materials used in State of Colorado  Issue Licenses Specific (351) and General (~1600) Licenses  Perform Inspections Average 150 Inspections per year (routine inspections + incidents + allegations)  Incident Investigation and Emergency Response

6 Statutory and Regulatory Changes 2011-2012  Part 7 of the Regulations (Use of materials in the healing arts) was amended in 2012 and the updated version was effective March 30, 2012.  Upcoming changes include revisions to Parts 18 (Uranium), 3 (Licensing), and 1 (Definitions) Changes as result of NRC past and recent reviews; Will work with legislative liaison regarding possible RCA changes  E-mail Notifications on Regulatory Changes:

7 Part 7 Revision Highlights  Requirements for an Authorized User to perform the final interpretation of results of tests have been eliminated  Requirements for instructions to nuclear medicine patients on maintaining doses to others ALARA has been revised (100 mrem)  Radiation Safety Committees are now required for all licensees that use radioactive materials for therapy

8 Current Licensee Data  351 Specific Radioactive Materials Licensees  33% are Portable Gauge Licensees  27% are Medical Licensees  No other category makes up more than 10% Primary Licensed Activity Fee CategoryCurrent Licensee'sPercentage Portable Gauge3.P11733% Medical7.C9627% Catch All3.Q329% Basic Research3.M226% Service Provider3.N175% Industrial Radiography3.O175% Well Logging5.A134% Manufacturing and Distribution3.B72% Radiopharmacies3.C72% ProvisionalProv51% Uranium Recovery2.A2 Class I41% Source Material2.C31% Research Broad Scope3.L31% Closed Cell Irradiators3.E21% Licenses in Decommissioning14.A10.3% Radipharmaceuticals - Distribution Only3.D10.3% Panoramic Irradiators3.F10.3% Waste Disposal4.A10.3% Medical Sealed Sources7.A10.3% Medical Broad Scope7.B10.3%

9 Energy Fuels Pinon Ridge Uranium Mill  November 18, 2009 Application Submitted  Approximately 12 miles west of Naturita in Paradox Valley  Decision, including Decision Document, Environmental Report and preliminary radioactive materials license issued January 5, 2011  First uranium mill license in the US in more than 25 years  Application and more information can be found on our website at: ex.htm ex.htm  Sheep Mountain Alliance lawsuit filed February 4, 2011  Litigation is ongoing

10 Cotter Corporation Canon City Mill Decommissioning  Cotter Corporation has submitted a license termination application and the Department will be working with Cotter during the decommissioning process  The Department will also be working with the EPA to ultimately delete the Lincoln Park site from the National Priorities List

11 TENORM (AGAIN?)  Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM)  Occurs when NORM concentrations are increased by or as a result of past or present human practices  Oil and Gas residuals, Drinking Water Treatment residuals, and others

12 TENORM PROGRESS  Continuous…  Focused on Water Treatment TENORM  CDPHE and Water Treatment Systems struggling with design of some proposed water treatment systems and licensing requirements  Water treatment systems struggling with lack of resources and lack of HP knowledge  CDPHE struggling with resources to develop additional guidance

13 Contact Info CDPHE Radioactive Materials Unit  Jim Grice, Licensing Lead 303-692-3371  Jennifer Opila, Unit Leader 303-692-3403

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