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ESF and Big Lottery Nehal Depani, LVSC 1. 2 Introduction 132 ESF in London Building Better Opportunities Partnerships & resources.

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Presentation on theme: "ESF and Big Lottery Nehal Depani, LVSC 1. 2 Introduction 132 ESF in London Building Better Opportunities Partnerships & resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESF and Big Lottery Nehal Depani, LVSC 1

2 2 Introduction 132 ESF in London Building Better Opportunities Partnerships & resources

3 3 European Structural Investment Funds: EU money distributed in seven year cycles. Must be match funded European Social Fund: one of the ESIF funds Local Enterprise Partnerships: decide spending priorities for ESIF in their area Opt in organisations: provide match funding and run commissioning & procurement ESF in brief

4 £448m ESF & £25.7m YEI Match funding by opt-in organisations ESF in London

5 5 BBO in brief What makes BBO different from SFA/DWP? Grants, rather than contracts Actual costs rather than unit costs Focus on people furthest from the labour market

6 6 BBO programmes BAME Women ILM Health & Disability Carers Common mental health Lone parents Refugees Severe and Multiple Disadvantage (TBC) Tranche 1: deadline 3 Aug Tranche 2: launches Oct 2015

7 7 BBO application process Stage 1: 2 months to submit application, 2 months for assessment Stage 2: 2 months to submit application, 2 months for assessment, development funding available

8 8 Why partnerships? range of interventions!

9 Expressions of Interest Sign up and view other resources: 9

10 Networking events July networking event: Carers, BAME women & ILM Disability &Health Sept. networking event Common mental health, lone parents, refugees, complex needs 10

11 Skills Training Core skills essential for ESF programme BAME women Partnership training Engaging with employers Supporting lone parents 11

12 Keep up to date Email alerts of new posts 1 Employment & skills bulletin 2 Follow @Nehal_LVSC and @LVSCNews 3 12

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