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Introduction By Elisabeth Rounis and Louise Whiteley.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction By Elisabeth Rounis and Louise Whiteley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction By Elisabeth Rounis and Louise Whiteley

2 What affects a decision? OR?

3 What affects a decision? OR ?

4 What affects a decision? You have: What would you rather… OR ?

5 What affects a decision? OR

6 What affects a decision? OR Healthy? Or not?

7 What affects a decision? Vs. WartimePeacetime

8 Big decisions…

9 Forming a decision Decision Information

10 Behaviour

11 Decision


13 Behaviour

14 Neuronal recording

15 The Start: Building a perceptual decision

16 LIP.. Are the dots moving left or right?


18 So what happens when we actually see something?

19 Representation of sensory evidence

20 Value B A Compute V(A) and V(B) Choose

21 Value B=£500 A=£1000 V(A) > V(B), so choose A

22 Discounting B A Compute V(A) and V(B) Choose Time Value Now! 3 weeks…

23 Discounting B = £500 A = £1000 V(B t=now ) > V(A t=3 weeks ) so choose B 3 weeks… Now!

24 Relative wealth B A Compute V(A) and V(B) relative to your wealth now and in 3 weeks Choose Time Value Now! 3 weeks… Utility Value

25 Relative wealth B = £500 A = £1000 Now, V(B t=now, W t=now ) < V(A t=3 weeks, W t=3 weeks ) so choose A Plus pension of £1000 in 3 weeks!!

26 Probability B A Weight V(A) and V(B) by the probability they will occur Choose U = p * V x p(A) x p(B)

27 Probability B = £500 A = £1000 In other words… U(B t=now, W t=now ) > U(A t=3 weeks, W t=3 weeks ) so choose B U = p * V Risky bet Safer bet p = 0.1 p = 0.9 Now, V(B t=now, W t=now )*0.9 > V(A t=3 weeks, W t=3 weeks )*0.1 so choose B

28 Deciding what we’re seeing A B p = 0.9 p = 0.1 On balance, we think we saw B Choose

29 Deciding what we’re seeing Tumour Healthy p = 0.7 p = 0.3 p(healthy|x-ray) > p(tumour|x-ray), so thought to be healthy… Training a medical student…

30 Priors A B p = 0.7 x prior p = 0.3 x prior Now we are not so sure… Choose B is only rarely seen, small prior belief

31 Priors Tumour Healthy Smokes 40 a day p = 0.3 p = 0.7 Now, p(healthy|x-ray) * p(healthy) < p(tumour|x-ray) * p(tumour), so more likely a tumour Training a medical student…

32 Value (again…) A B p = 0.7 x prior x value p = 0.3 x prior x value Better be safe than sorry – decide on “A” Choose Detecting A is very important, detecting B is less so

33 Value (again…) Tumour Healthy Smokes 40 a day p = 0.3 p = 0.7 Treat All clear Treat All clear V = 100 V = -500 V = -20 V= 0 In the real world… 1) U(“tumour”|tumour) = p(tumour) * p(tumour|x-ray) * V(treat, tumour) 2) U(“healthy”|tumour) = p(healthy) * p(healthy|x-ray) * V(all clear, tumour) Then, U(“tumour”) = 1+3, U(“healthy”) = 2+4… choose which is bigger! 3) U(“tumour”|healthy) = p(healthy) * p(healthy|x-ray) * V(treat, healthy) 4) U(“healthy”|healthy) = p(healthy) * p(healthy|x-ray) * V(all clear, healthy)

34 Putting it all together Decision Value Discounting Relative wealth Risk Perceptual uncertainty Priors

35 Decision Value Discounting Relative wealth Risk Perceptual uncertainty Priors ?

36 Behaviour

37 Neuronal recording


39 Functional Imaging

40 Functional vs Structural Task-related activityStructure ?Pathology

41 Need good hypotheses!

42 So… how is decision made in the brain???

43 An appropriate behavioural paradigm

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