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Assessment of External Laboratories Éidín Christie Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Protection Agency, Inniscarra, Cork.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of External Laboratories Éidín Christie Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Protection Agency, Inniscarra, Cork."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of External Laboratories Éidín Christie Office of Environmental Assessment, Environmental Protection Agency, Inniscarra, Cork

2 EPA Licence Condition “Where analysis is subcontracted it shall be to a competent laboratory”

3 Assessing competence Option 1 : Use of Formal External Recognition Option 2 : Assessment of external laboratories competence by licensee

4 Formal External Recognition Accreditation Accreditation to ISO17025 is defined as formal recognition that a laboratory is competent to carry out specific tests or specific types of tests.

5 Accreditation to ISO17025 Need to consider: nScope of Accreditation nParameter, units of measurement nMatrix nMethod used nLimit of quantitation nUncertainty of Measurement nFitness for Purpose nSampling/sample integrity

6 Scope of Accreditation


8 Assessing Laboratories Laboratory Management and Staff nQualified and experienced Laboratory manager and deputy nAdequate qualified and trained staff nTraining procedures in place for staff nTraining records in place for staff nAssessment of staff competence nTraining Records up to date

9 Assessing Laboratories Commitment to Quality nAre laboratory facilities appropriate for carrying out tests. nDocumented Quality Manual in place nQuality manager/co-ordinator appointed nQuality Control procedures in place nRegular audits carried out to assess compliance

10 Assessing Laboratories Equipment and Calibration nDocumented calibration programme in place nAre calibration records current nHas traceability of Calibrations been established nIs equipment maintained according to manufacturers recommendations and recognised practices.

11 Assessing Laboratories Analytical Methods nAre documented SOPs in place for all relevant methods nAre procedures based on reference standard methods nAre procedures in place for method validations nHas method validation been carried out nHas method performance been established nHave the relevant matrices been assessed nIs it ‘fit for purpose’ i.e LOQ, Accuracy, Precision, Uncertainty of Measurement.

12 Assessing Laboratories Analytical Quality Control nDocumented AQC procedure in place. nAll relevant tests subject to AQCs nAre AQCs evaluated nAre Controls on AQC ‘fit for purpose’ nAre failures dealt with appropriately nAre External/independent checks carried out nAre results obtained satisfactory nAre failures acted on appropriately

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