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Sample Objectives and Conclusion for Lab Report Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample Objectives and Conclusion for Lab Report Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample Objectives and Conclusion for Lab Report Writing

2 Lab Report Example What do you want to do and how will you do it? Objectives: A pH meter will be standardized to measure the pH from a range of 0-14. The pH of solutions made from battery acid [H 2 SO 4 ], salt, Sprite and an ammonia [NH 3(aq) ] will be measured. From the data, the liquids would be classified as acidic, basic, or neutral.

3 The “Conclusion” summarizes the results and addresses the objectives. Conclusion: The pH meter was standardized with buffer solutions of pH = 4 and pH = 7. The pH of different solutions were measured with the meter. SolutionBattery acid SaltSpriteAmmonia pH1. Acidic / Basic / Neutral acidicNeutralacidicbasic

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