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同步练习与测试 9AU3. Read the words from passage 16-passage 18 16. Timmy survived earthquake thunder sounded like bombs It was like the sound thunder makes.

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Presentation on theme: "同步练习与测试 9AU3. Read the words from passage 16-passage 18 16. Timmy survived earthquake thunder sounded like bombs It was like the sound thunder makes."— Presentation transcript:

1 同步练习与测试 9AU3

2 Read the words from passage 16-passage 18 16. Timmy survived earthquake thunder sounded like bombs It was like the sound thunder makes. ended calmed began trapped pieces screaming 17 internet employment websites type appear screen resume interviewer company 18 daily course tourists topics Australia

3 Read the words from passage 19-passage 21 decided held charity on the 29th of April design the poster volunteered hostess UNICEF Europe 158 organizing fund-raising raises activities voluntary governments donations Christmas These children’s lives were changed. Halloween is on October 31st. a western festival celebrate costumes masks trick or treat neighbours’ candy lanterns pumpkins candles shines

4 16 .时尚 例一、 要点: 1 .我是个中学生;上周我设计了一件上衣、一条短裙和 一双靴子: 2 .黑色的上衣是用羊毛制成的,长而漂亮;红色的裙子 也是用羊毛制成的,适合在秋天穿;靴子是短筒皮靴, 与衣服很相配; 3 .我非常喜爱它们。 例二、 要点: 1 .上周六,我们班举办了一场时装表演,我们都穿着 20 世纪不同时代的服装; 2 .海伦看上去色彩鲜艳,她的一身衣服都来自 20 世纪 80 年代;约翰看起来挺休闲,穿着蓝黄相间的运动衣和一 双色彩鲜艳的运动鞋; 20 世 纪 90 年代的年轻人喜欢穿 运动鞋。

5 Topic 16 leather held wore in the 20th century the 1980s the 1990s trainers

6 一 重点词组 1 look at my stomach (stomachs) 2 feel lonely 3 quarrel with my cousin 4 get enough sleep 5 the last to leave 6 how to solve the problem 7 hand in my homework on time 8 drive me mad (madder, maddest) 9 when to spend time on my hobbies 10 give up one’s hobbies / give up doing sth. 11how to achieve a balance between…and… 12 be crazy about football 13 have plenty of homework to do 14 stay out late 15 be strict with me (be strict in sth.)

7 16 feel stressed from time to time 17 make a list of… 18 make our lives more interesting 19 have/ get my parents’ support 20offer some valuable suggestions 21succeed in doing sth. = do sth. successfully 22 where to ask for advice 23 have no choice but to do it 24 have no close friends to talk to 25 refuse to do so much work 26 hardly have any time for my hobbies 27 be worth working so hard 28 be of great value to me

8 29 a good way to keep a balance 30 a lot of traffic on the road 31have much time to revise for tests 32have no courage to do sth. 33 feel bad about your weight 34 in this way 35 suffer from stress 36 have problems with schoolwork 37 have a rest for a while 38 believe it unnecessary to do sth. 39 laugh at sb. 40 pay no attention to sth. /pay no attention to doing sth.

9 二 词汇运用 1madder 2 valuable 3 hardly 4 unhealthy 5 students’ 6 noisy 7 suggestions 8 truth 9 worried 10 useful

10 11 accepted 12 allowed 13 achieved 14 quarrelling 15 either 16 replied 17 spare 18 communication 19 tasks 20 progress

11 四 动词填空 1 shouting (hear sb. doing) 2 would remind ( said the next day) 3 playing (give up doing) 4 has happened 5 Don’t speak 6 are seen 7 to solve 8 Were chatting 9 takes/ will take 10 showed

12 五 完成句子 1 can spare some time for me 2 keep a balance between study and hobbies 3 you had better work out how much time you need 4 Pay no attention to those students be proud of 5 In this way 6 what the word means / the meaning of the word 7 much more practice

13 8 when to stop playing get into trouble 9 feel stressed at times 10 share your joy with your friends

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