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Environment Mystery All of you will be able to identify an acid from an alkali using the ph scale. You will be able to describe at least one different.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment Mystery All of you will be able to identify an acid from an alkali using the ph scale. You will be able to describe at least one different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment Mystery All of you will be able to identify an acid from an alkali using the ph scale. You will be able to describe at least one different way that water can be polluted. Most of you will be able to explain that industrial pollution can lead to acid rain. You can explain how fertilisers can lead to water pollution. Some of you will be able to explain how industrial pollution leads to acid rain and can describe at least three different ways that water can be polluted.

2 Starter: Put the coloured cards in order to show the pH scale. Then write the pH for each colour on the card

3 What to do with your mystery cards 1. Divide your cards up in your group and take it in turns to read the cards to each other 2. Now look at all of your cards and see if you can group them. Remember you must have reasons for why you are grouping them.

4 Why was Coy Lake Closed?


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