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Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young Army Lt wanted to make flying at night and in bad or inclement weather safer. 3) This organization directed scientific study of the problems of flight and provided valuable research in aeronautics. 4) One of the most successful early aircraft created by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. 5) Igor _________ developed the VS-300 and the first military ____________ Warm-Up – 9/22 – 10 minutes

2 Questions / Comments

3 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young Army Lt wanted to make flying at night and in bad or inclement weather safer. 3) This organization directed scientific study of the problems of flight and provided valuable research in aeronautics. 4) One of the most successful early aircraft created by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. 5) Igor _________ developed the VS-300 and the first military ____________ Warm-Up – 9/22 – 10 minutes

4  Amelia Earhart – earned her license in 1923 and was the first women passenger to fly the Atlantic Ocean in 1928 Pioneers Contribute to the Development of Air Power

5 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young Army Lt wanted to make flying at night and in bad or inclement weather safer. 3) This organization directed scientific study of the problems of flight and provided valuable research in aeronautics. 4) One of the most successful early aircraft created by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. 5) Igor _________ developed the VS-300 and the first military ____________ Warm-Up – 9/22 – 10 minutes

6  In 1929, James Doolittle performed the first successful “blind” take-off and landing.  Aim was to make flying at night and in bad or inclement weather safer.  He took off – flew 5 miles, made a 180 turn and landed safely  Paved the way for flight and navigation instruments and 2- way radios to be installed in aircraft Aviation Grows

7 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young Army Lt wanted to make flying at night and in bad or inclement weather safer. 3) This organization directed scientific study of the problems of flight and provided valuable research in aeronautics. 4) One of the most successful early aircraft created by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. 5) Igor _________ developed the VS-300 and the first military ____________ Warm-Up – 9/22 – 10 minutes

8  In 1915, President Woodrow Wilson formed the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).  It directed scientific study of the problems of flight and provided valuable research in aeronautics. Aviation Grows

9 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young Army Lt wanted to make flying at night and in bad or inclement weather safer. 3) This organization directed scientific study of the problems of flight and provided valuable research in aeronautics. 4) One of the most successful early aircraft created by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. 5) Igor _________ developed the VS-300 and the first military ____________ Warm-Up – 9/22 – 10 minutes

10  William Piper and G.C Taylor also started a company in 1929 – Taylor Aircraft Company  Piper bought out Taylor Aircraft Company and 1935 renamed it Piper Aircraft Corporation. Aviation Grows

11 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic as a passenger? 2) This young Army Lt wanted to make flying at night and in bad or inclement weather safer. 3) This organization directed scientific study of the problems of flight and provided valuable research in aeronautics. 4) One of the most successful early aircraft created by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. 5) Igor _________ developed the VS-300 and the first military ____________ Warm-Up – 9/22 – 10 minutes

12 VS-300 First free flight helicopter Sikorsky R-4 First Mass produced Military Helicopter

13 Questions / Comments

14  September 22  1902 — Stanley Spencer becomes the first Englishman to fly in a powered airship over England.  The 75-foot-long dirigible is powered by a 3-hp water-cooled engine and makes a flight of 30 miles. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

15  September 22  1928 — Wilkins Antarctic Expedition sails from New York. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

16  September 22  1928 — The number of lives saved by parachute jumps passes the 100 mark when Lieutenant Roger V. Williams jumps at San Diego, California. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

17  September 22  1950 — First non-stop flight of Atlantic made by jet aircraft.  English Electric Canberra THIS DAY IN AVIATION

18 Questions / Comments

19 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 67 NO SCHOOL HOLIDAY 8 Chapter 2 WWI Preparing for War 9 Chapter 2 WWI Fighter Development 10 Chapter 2 WWI Fighter Aces Lafayette Escadrille 11 WWI TEST FltLine Friday “FlyBoys” 12 1314 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 15 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 16 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 17 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 18 Chapter 3 QUIZ 19 2021 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 22 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 23 QUIZ Progress Rpts Due 24 Chapter 3 The Golden Age 25 TEST Progress Rpts Sent Home 26 27282930 September 2015

20 Questions / Comments

21 Chapter 3 - The Golden Age 1919 - 1939 Pioneers Contribute to Development of Air Power / Aviation Grows

22  Mission:  Describe in writing the impact of the McNary-Watres Act on the development of commercial aviation.  Identify in writing the standard commercial airliner in 1938.  EQ: What were some of the technological advancements that influenced aviation during this timeframe (1919-1939)? Today’s Mission Requirements

23  The Air Mail Act of 1925 allowed for private companies to carry the mail  An amendment to the Air Mail Act of 1925 - the McNary-Watres Act,  Airmail carriers were paid according to the available cargo space.  Received a bonus for multi-engine aircraft  It was an incentive for larger aircraft.

24 United Airlines (Northern Route) New York – Chicago - San Francisco Transcontinental / Western Airlines – TWA- (Central Route) New York – Kansas City – Los Angeles American Airlines (Southern Route) Atlanta – Los Angeles

25  United contracted with Boeing and was flying the Boeing 247  Twin-engine  Retractable,  Low-wing monoplane  Carry 10 passengers  400 lbs of mail  Cruising speed of 189 mph  “Same day service”  New York and San Francisco  (Northern Route)

26  TWA was flying the Douglas DC-2s.


28  American was flying the DC-3, which became the standard commercial airliner by the late 1930s.  The DC-3 carried 24 passengers or 5,000 lbs of cargo a distance of 1,200 miles

29  By 1938, DC-3s carried 95% of all US commercial traffic  By 1939, they were carrying 90% of worldwide commercial traffic  Army Air Corps purchased 10,000 DC-3s and renamed them the C-47  Officially known as the “Skytrain”  Nicknamed the “Gooney Bird”

30 Commercial Aviation Matures Review

31  The amendment paid airlines based on the amount of available _____ _____. ◦ Cargo space  This was an Amendment to the Air Mail Act of 1925. ◦ McNary-Watres Act

32  One of the major incentives of the Amendment to the Air Mail Act of 1925 was to entice airlines to build _______ aircraft. ◦ Larger  This airline serviced this route between New York and San Francisco known as the Northern route? ◦ United Airlines

33  United Airlines contracted with _______ to fly these type of aircraft?  Boeing  A provision of the amendment was an airline could earn a bonus for having a _______-______ aircraft? ◦ Multi-engine

34  This airline was the first to purchase Douglas DC-3 aircraft. ◦ American Airlines  The central route for commercial service was operated by this airline which flew the DC-2.  TWA

35  The DC-3 aircraft went on to serve in the Army Air Corps as the C-47 was officially known as the _________. ◦ Skytrain  This airline was officially known as the Skytrain but pilots nicknamed the aircraft _______.  Gooney Bird

36 Questions / Comments

37 N R W W T G Q E Z L V B G F D S A D N W I M O C N P D E O R X O M K M C O V Y A B R T I C C U T U F M Y E E J K C Y L D L A E J H G F C E T R N A N E Q X A P D E O L L N A C R I I T D J I Q S I H W A B A Z W L A C G G J W P O U E C S I R Q J T P I A N Q A A G J Q I K R Y D P T P T N N E G I R U A M S J W E C E Z C W Y A I G A Z R E G R A L K M B G O G A I T C H Y Y R E T R Q G S M P N T C R L A P R B Y R R D W Q T S O R M L L U G O O N E Y B I R D I J D C P Q I M F S S S B E N S B E S X O V N K N P I M A J H N C E E J P Y J M A G E Q F C S E N I L R I A D E T I N U S Q T I A O J C G S S U B Q W U C Z Y M O F P Q R A Y Z C W K T L A I X N R

38 N R W W T G Q E Z L V B G F D S A D N W I M O C N P D E O R X O M K M C O V Y A B R T I C C U T U F M Y E E J K C Y L D L A E J H G F C E T R N A N E Q X A P D E O L L N A C R I I T D J I Q S I H W A B A Z W L A C G G J W P O U E C S I R Q J T P I A N Q A A G J Q I K R Y D P T P T N N E G I R U A M S J W E C E Z C W Y A I G A Z R E G R A L K M B G O G A I T C H Y Y R E T R Q G S M P N T C R L A P R B Y R R D W Q T S O R M L L U G O O N E Y B I R D I J D C P Q I M F S S S B E N S B E S X O V N K N P I M A J H N C E E J P Y J M A G E Q F C S E N I L R I A D E T I N U S Q T I A O J C G S S U B Q W U C Z Y M O F P Q R A Y Z C W K T L A I X N R

39 N R W W T G Q E Z L V B G F D S A D N W I M O C N P D E O R X O M K M C O V Y A B R T I C C U T U F M Y E E J K C Y L D L A E J H G F C E T R N A N E Q X A P D E O L L N A C R I I T D J I Q S I H W A B A Z W L A C G G J W P O U E C S I R Q J T P I A N Q A A G J Q I K R Y D P T P T N N E G I R U A M S J W E C E Z C W Y A I G A Z R E G R A L K M B G O G A I T C H Y Y R E T R Q G S M P N T C R L A P R B Y R R D W Q T S O R M L L U G O O N E Y B I R D I J D C P Q I M F S S S B E N S B E S X O V N K N P I M A J H N C E E J P Y J M A G E Q F C S E N I L R I A D E T I N U S Q T I A O J C G S S U B Q W U C Z Y M O F P Q R A Y Z C W K T L A I X N R

40 N R W W T G Q E Z L V B G F D S A D N W I M O C N P D E O R X O M K M C O V Y A B R T I C C U T U F M Y E E J K C Y L D L A E J H G F C E T R N A N E Q X A P D E O L L N A C R I I T D J I Q S I H W A B A Z W L A C G G J W P O U E C S I R Q J T P I A N Q A A G J Q I K R Y D P T P T N N E G I R U A M S J W E C E Z C W Y A I G A Z R E G R A L K M B G O G A I T C H Y Y R E T R Q G S M P N T C R L A P R B Y R R D W Q T S O R M L L U G O O N E Y B I R D I J D C P Q I M F S S S B E N S B E S X O V N K N P I M A J H N C E E J P Y J M A G E Q F C S E N I L R I A D E T I N U S Q T I A O J C G S S U B Q W U C Z Y M O F P Q R A Y Z C W K T L A I X N R

41 N R W W T G Q E Z L V B G F D S A D N W I M O C N P D E O R X O M K M C O V Y A B R T I C C U T U F M Y E E J K C Y L D L A E J H G F C E T R N A N E Q X A P D E O L L N A C R I I T D J I Q S I H W A B A Z W L A C G G J W P O U E C S I R Q J T P I A N Q A A G J Q I K R Y D P T P T N N E G I R U A M S J W E C E Z C W Y A I G A Z R E G R A L K M B G O G A I T C H Y Y R E T R Q G S M P N T C R L A P R B Y R R D W Q T S O R M L L U G O O N E Y B I R D I J D C P Q I M F S S S B E N S B E S X O V N K N P I M A J H N C E E J P Y J M A G E Q F C S E N I L R I A D E T I N U S Q T I A O J C G S S U B Q W U C Z Y M O F P Q R A Y Z C W K T L A I X N R

42 Questions / Comments

43  Mission:  Describe in writing the impact of the McNary-Watres Act on the development of commercial aviation.  Allowed the postmaster to make or combine airmail routes which provided incentives to airlines to make larger, multiengined aircraft that enabled them to carry passengers and mail  EQ: What were some of the technological advancements that influenced aviation during this timeframe (1919-1939)? Today’s Mission Requirements

44  Mission:  Describe in writing the impact of the McNary-Watres Act on the development of commercial aviation.  Identify in writing the standard commercial airliner in 1938. The Douglas DC-3 became the standard at one point carried 95% of all US Commercial traffic and over 90% of all commercial traffic worldwide. The Army Air Corps version was the C-47 (Skytrain or Gooney Bird)  EQ: What were some of the technological advancements that influenced aviation during this timeframe (1919-1939)? Today’s Mission Requirements

45 Lesson Closure - 3 – 2 - 1 3. List 3 things you learned today. 1. Create (1) quiz question with answer about today’s lesson. 2. List 2 things you have questions about today’s lesson.

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