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W ireless I nformation S ervices for I nfrastructures Leif Granholm.

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Presentation on theme: "W ireless I nformation S ervices for I nfrastructures Leif Granholm."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ireless I nformation S ervices for I nfrastructures Leif Granholm


3 Why WISI To research and create an unfiform achitecture for mobile systems in Xpower and Tekla

4 Challenges, Technical Change of (energy,…) utilities Value chains, business models, ownerships Development of telecommunications 2 -> 2½ -> 3G ->… Mobile terminals Competition between standards, diverseness User interfaces New demands Change of surrounding value chains

5 Challenges, Energy utilities  Who are able to use companys systems?  Companys own workers, contractors  How system can handle billing and user profile management?  How security and privacy is organised?  Who and how is telecommunications administrated?  How to handle the situation where parts of IT is outsourced?

6 WISI Focus Customers needs Long term plan Security management User interfaces/ergonomy External services Mobile software architecture

7 WISI Architecture Xpower Customer DB Maps Logs Users Log server CACHESERVERCACHESERVER Xpower server Forum server Map server Auth. server INTERNET INTERNET PDA client GPS LIF server GPRS DB External DBserver

8 Xpower Asterix SSL INTERNET Map Log User Log server CACHESERVERCACHESERVER Xpower server LIF server Asterix server Map server Auth. server PDA client FireWall Addr. server Adress VPN APN 2G, 3G Tekla Customer / Tele operator WISI Architecture, Security Data servicesData servers

9 Applications based on WISI Navigation Background maps, network maps Intelligent scaling Database operations (Read&Write) Netwok data, customer data Maintenance Task management Tracking and controlling mobile units Messaging

10 WISI Hand Held Devices

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