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Volcanoes and Earthquakes Earth’s Layers Geologic Time Fossils Plate Tectonics 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10.

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2 Volcanoes and Earthquakes Earth’s Layers Geologic Time Fossils Plate Tectonics 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 Earth’s Layers- 10 points QUESTION: What is the order of the layers of the earth thickest to thinnest? ANSWER: Mantle, outer core, inner core, crust.

4 Earth’s Layers– 20 Points QUESTION: What is the order of the layers of the earth hottest to coolest? ANSWER: Inner core, outer core, mantle, crust.

5 Earth’s Layers– 30 Points QUESTION: Which layer is made up of the upper mantle and crust? ANSWER: Lithosphere

6 Earth’s Layers– 40 Points QUESTION: Which layer is the thickest and approximately how thick is it? ANSWER: Mantle is the thickest, it is 67% of the earth’s mass, and about 2,900 km thick or 1801.98 miles thick.

7 Topic 1 – 50 Points QUESTION: Give me three details about the inner and outer core. ANSWER: Inner core: solid, found through seismic waves, made of nickel and iron, center of the earth. 3,000 times hotter than the sun. Outer core: liquid layer, made of iron and nickel, found through seismic waves, causes magnetic field

8 Geologic Time Scale– 10 Points QUESTION: Order from oldest to youngest: epoch, era, eon, period. ANSWER: Eon, Era, Period, Epoch

9 Geologic Time Scale– 20 Points QUESTION: Order from oldest to youngest: Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Pre-Cambrian. ANSWER: Pre-Cambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic

10 Geologic Time Scale– 30 Points QUESTION: What events occurred in the Pre-cambrian? ANSWER: Boiling rock, 2 continents, single celled life

11 Geologic Time Scale– 40 Points QUESTION: What occurred at the Paleozoic Era ANSWER: Pangea forms, Explosion of Marine life, Life moves to land, Reptiles, Amphibians and Insects Appeared. (Pangea is also considered to be formed in the early Mesozoic era).

12 Geologic Time Scale– 50 Points QUESTION: What era did humans walk the earth? ANSWER: Cenozoic

13 Fossils– 10 Points QUESTION: What is the definition of fossil? ANSWER: The actual remains of a plant or animal are preserved.

14 Fossils– 20 Points QUESTION: What type of fossil is caused when the organism is covered in tree sap? ANSWER: Amber Fossil

15 Fossils– 30 Points QUESTION: What are examples of trace fossils? ANSWER: Tracks, burrows, eggs, any evidence that an organism once lived that is not an original remain.

16 Fossils– 40 Points QUESTION: Explain the difference between a cast and a mold. ANSWER: Mold is a mark or cavity made in soft sediment, cast is when the form of the organism is fills the cavity left behind by the organism.

17 Fossils– 50 Points QUESTION: What are the definitions of rock, asphalt, frozen, and petrified fossils? ANSWER: Rock- organism quickly covered in sediment. Asphalt-Organism is trapped in tar pit. Frozen- When extremely cold temperatures preserve an organism Petrified-when organism is placed in saturated water and replaced by minerals

18 Plate Tectonics– 10 Points QUESTION: What boundary creates earthquakes? ANSWER: Transform

19 Plate Tectonics– 20 Points QUESTION: Draw arrows to show which way divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries move. ANSWER: Convergent Divergent Transform

20 Plate Tectonics– 30 Points QUESTION: How do plate tectonics move? ANSWER: Plate tectonics move through convection currents when material heats up it expands and rises to the surface, when it nears the surface it cools and becomes more dense making the material sink.

21 Plate Tectonics– 40 Points QUESTION: Draw the convection currents for divergent and convergent boundaries. ANSWER:

22 Plate Tectonics– 50 Points QUESTION: What are the geologic features that can happen at convergent and divergent boundaries? ANSWER: Divergent (O-O): Sea-floor spreading, Mid-ocean ridges. Divergent (C-C): Rift Valley Convergent (C-C): Subduction, trench, mountains Convergent (C-O):Subduction, trench, volcanoes Convergent (O-O): Subduction, trench

23 Volcanoes – 10 Points QUESTION: What are the three types of volcanoes and which ones are explosive and/or non-explosive? ANSWER: Shield- non-explosive Composite- explosive Cinder-cone- explosive

24 Volcanoes– 20 Points QUESTION: What is the Richter Scale? ANSWER: A scale of 1-10 ten being the most ground movement. From a 1-2 it is 10 times more ground movement, 1-3 is 100 times more ground movement.

25 Earthquakes– 30 Points QUESTION: How are Volcanoes formed? ANSWER: Volcanoes are formed at two plate boundaries, divergent and convergent. At divergent plates the plates diverge creating rift zones where mantle rock the rises to fill the gap and pressure decreases. Lava that flows from undersea rift zones produce volcano chains also known as mid-oceans. When convergent plates collide the more dense oceanic crust sinks below the mantle. The temperature and pressure increase causing the water contained in the oceanic crust to be released. The water then mixes with the mantle rock which lowers the rock’s melting point, causing it to melt. This body of magma can rise to form a volcano.

26 Earthquakes– 40 Points QUESTION: What are surface, S and P waves? ANSWER: Surface waves- dangerous waves produce motion along the surface. Moves the slowest. S waves –Shearing motion side to side, perpendicular to travel direction, slower than p waves, only can move through solids no liquids. P waves- Fastest waves, go through solids and liquids, compressive waves(bump adjacent particles with back and forth motion), Body waves (travel through the earth),recorded first.

27 Earthquakes– 50 Points QUESTION: How is the epicenter of an earthquake found? ANSWER: 1.Collect seismograph reading from several locations. 2.Use S-P method to find how far the earthquake traveled from seismograph station where seismograph was taken from. 3.Using the distances of each seismograph station draw three circles using the distances from the S-P method and the stations location as origin point. Where all three circles touch is the epicenter of the earthquake.

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