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Mardi le 27 août Tuesday, August 27 th. French is a world language! Over 200 million secondary French speakers 115 million native French speakers in more.

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Presentation on theme: "Mardi le 27 août Tuesday, August 27 th. French is a world language! Over 200 million secondary French speakers 115 million native French speakers in more."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mardi le 27 août Tuesday, August 27 th

2 French is a world language! Over 200 million secondary French speakers 115 million native French speakers in more than 50 countries around the world French and English are the only languages spoken on all continents French is the most widely-taught language in the world after English French is ranked as the second most influential language in the world and is one of the most widely spoken Why learn a foreign language?

3 August 27 th -31 st Mme. McCage FRENCH 1 Week’s Goals: Rules, Numbers, Alphabet, Colors. Roll,procedure papers, info card, syllabus, 1 st powerpoint H/W: Supplies & sentences FRENCH 1-Roll, name cards, supplies 120 Powerpoint: Rules, Name cards, Heading rules, early Website Video: ABC’s & greetings H/W: Supplies & sentences FRENCH 1-Roll, supplies-115 due & sentences 100 Notes: Greetings & 0-10 Over ABCs H/W: Supplies & TBA FRENCH 1-Roll, sentences for 50% Supplies-110 Note: Colors, 11-20 Over ABCs, #’s H/O-Supplies,& TBA FRENCH I-Roll, Supplies-105. Oral review of ABC’s, numbers, colors & greetings FRENCH 2 Goals: Phonics, number & basic review of French 1. Roll, info card,syllabus, 1 st powerpoint H/W: Supplies, sentences “ME” French 2-Roll, Name cards, Heading rules, supplies 120, sentences 100. over phonics, greetings H/W: Supplies & sentences Per. 2 TURN IN FORMS! French 2-Roll, supplies- 115, sentences 100 Over 0-100, Introductions, DVD H/W: TBA-number pages Per. 2 TURN IN FORMS! French 2-Roll,supplies 110, sentences-50 Class & F 1 review H/W: TBA/ Number pages Per. 2 Turn in FORMS! French 2-Roll:Supplies 105 Tues-100 # pageS-100 Tues. for 50 Sam video Per. 2: ALL KC FORMS DUE-last day!!! F 2 PA Same F 2 PA Same F 2 PA Same F 2 PA Borrowed words “G” F 2 PA Same FRENCH 3 Goals: Phonics, greetings, numbers, grammar review of French 2. Roll, info card, syllabus, powerpoint H/W: Supplies/sentences French 3 Roll, Supplies 120, sentences 100. Phonics, greetings, numbers review H/W: Supplies & sentences French 3 Roll, ck. Supplies 115, sentences 100 Review of F 2 French 3 Roll, Supplies -110 Sentences-50 Notes: French 2 review French 3 Roll, supplies 105 DVD: Sam video pt. 3 Readers: hand out Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

4 Handbook policy: I.D. Cards Each student will be required to carry this identification card on his/her person at all times while on campus. Refusal to render this card or to properly identify oneself when requested by any school personnel may bring severe disciplinary action. The cost of replacing this card, if lost, is $3.50.

5 Textbooks Distribution day for us is Friday. Room 417-We’ll go as a class! Must bring signed lime green form (by you and parent) YOU MUST GET A BOOK - (It’s “Plan B” per AP) You can keep it on you or put in cabinet, but I’m NOT responsible for it’s loss, theft, or destruction ($65.00 to replace)

6 Important Websites! 1. Accessing Blackboard (Our new LMS): 2. My website: name=teacherpages name=teacherpages 3. Gradespeed website: rent rent 4. Textbook link: (let’s see this together, to view textbook & activities)

7 Supply list-for this semester! 1 binder (soft or hard)-1” wide OR 1 plastic folder (your call!) AND: One 3 subject WIRELESS WIDE RULED notebook. These can be found at Walgreens, not Walmart! One pkg. of WIDE RULED paper (at least 150 sheets). One pkg. of blue/black pens (4-5) and 2 red pens. One pkg. of pencils (5-10) for scantrons. One large box of kleenex with your name on it. For French 1’s and 2’s: 300-400 (3X5) flashcards. For French 1’s only: 10+ colored pencils. For all---not required, but you may need it: A flashdrive! DUE: (all or nothing)--Today for 120! Wed. for 115! Thurs. for 110! Fri. for 105! Tuesday for 100! (10 points off each day after that)

8 Nom Classe Date Nom Classe Date Title of work with page # USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY! Not pencil, markers or red ink! # HEADING HOW-TO

9 FRENCH II-all: Per. 2, 4, 7 1. Roll, Get syllabus back page signed/in or new one! 2. DUE: Supply check today for 120% & Sentences-100% 3. REVIEW: alphabet: phonics: & basic greetings: H/W: Supplies/syllabus signed due Friday. 10 sentences in French about yourself due tomorrow!

10 French 1 and French 2 Homework 1. My full name is, and my birthday is… I’m …years old and a (Freshman/Sophmore/Junior/Senior) 2. I am (descriptive adjective) 3. In my spare time, I like to do…. 4. I participate in ….club/sport/team (here at KCHS or off campus) 5. During this past summer, I (did/went)… 6. My favorite food & candy are… 7. My favorite book is…. 8. Last year, I (took/did not have) French, and I took it at ….school with Mr./Mrs. ….. I earned a (grade). 9. The person I admire most is…because…. 10. My goal in life is to….. THIS IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY FOR 100% Besides supplies (today for 120!), complete these sentences in your own handwriting on the paper provided--(due Wed.) “ME”

11 FRENCH I per. 5 & 6 1. Roll call: “ICI”, name cards (per. 6-my book?) 2. Supply check for 120 3. Syllabus back page re-do (you & parent sign) 4. Rest of Powerpoint on Rules, heading, etc. 5. L’alphabet: p4 p4 6. Les Salutations: “Bonjour” H/W: Due tomorrow: 10 “ME”sentences in English. Due by Friday-(or earlier): signed syllabus & supplies

12 French 1 & 2 Homework 1. My full name is, and my birthday is… I’m …years old and a (Freshman/Sophmore/Junior/Senior) 2. I am (descriptive adjective) 3. In my spare time, I like to do…. 4. I participate in ….club/sport/team (here at KCHS or off campus) 5. During this past summer, I (did/went)… 6. My favorite food & candy are… 7. My favorite book is…. 8. Last year, I (took/did not have) French, and I took it at ….school with Mr./Mrs. ….. I earned a (grade). 9. The person I admire most is…because…. 10. My goal in life is to….. THIS IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY FOR 100% Besides supplies (today for 120!), complete these sentences in your own handwriting on the paper provided--(due Wed.) “ME”

13 le français III-1 1. Avez-vous des fournitures d'école ? & signez le programme? 2. Ce Powerpoint *** 3. Révision: les sons: les salutations: DÛ: Les fournitures, (120 aujourd’hui) Signez le programme-vendredi. DEMAIN: les phrases: 100%

14 le français III-1

15 1 st per.-le français III Les devoirs 1. Les fournitures scolaires (pour 120% demain!) 2. ***Les 13 phrases! Dû: mercredi. 1.Je m’appelle….. 2.Mon anniversaire, c’est le…. 3.J’aime (le/la/les)…. 4.Je n’aime pas (le/la/les)… 5.J’aime (faire)…. 6.Je n’aime pas (faire)… 7.Je suis (adjectif)….. 8.Mon livre préféré est… 9.Ma cuisine préférée est… 10. Quand j’ai du temps libre, Je fais … à KCHS/chez moi…. 11. Je voudrais apprendre….. 12. La personne que j’admire le plus est….parceque… 13. Un jour, je voudrais être...

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