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Autonomic Nervous System Eunice Lee Debora Jeong Joshua Iannotti Period 4.

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1 Autonomic Nervous System Eunice Lee Debora Jeong Joshua Iannotti Period 4

2 Organization of Nervous System

3 Central Nervous System  1. Brain  A) Forebrain  (1) Sensory info (receive/process)  (2) Thinking, perceiving, producing  B) Brainstem  (1) Hindbrain  Balance  equilibrium  (2) Midbrain  Auditory and visual responses  Motor functions  2. Spinal Cord  A) connects brain to peripheral nervous system

4 Peripheral Nervous System  1. Sensory Nervous System  A) sends info to CNS  i.e. when someone pokes your finger  2. Motor Nervous System  A) sends info from CNS  i.e. when you want to lift your finger  B) Autonomic vs. Somatic  (1) Somatic:  1. voluntary motor  2. skeletal muscles  (2) Autonomic:  1. involuntary motor  2. smooth and cardiac muscles  3. Parasympathetic vs. Sympathetic

5 Reflex Arc  Definition: a neural pathway that controls a reflex  i.e. jolting backward when touching something hot

6 TWO types of Reflex Arc  1. Autonomic Reflex  Affects inner organs (visceral= deep)  Triggered by visceral afferent signaling  Sensory neuron -> connecting neuron -> motor neuron  i.e. peristalsis, sweating  2. Somatic Reflex  Affects muscles  Starts with force acting onto a surface  i.e. hammer on patella  Then energy is received and sensory neuron senses force  Then sends signal to motor neuron which sends a signal to the brain to jerk the knee

7  AutonomicSomatic

8 Autonomic: Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic

9 Body PartSympatheticParasympathetic EyeDilatesConstricts HeartRate increasesRate decreases BladderRelaxesContracts Salivary GlandsStops productionIncreases production LungsDilate bronchiolesConstrict bronchioles LiverRelease glucoseN/A Adrenal GlandSecrete epinephrine/ norepinephrine N/A Intestines/ StomachDecreases activities of muscles and glands Increases gland secretions, motility KidneyVasoconstriction/ decreased urine output N/A GenitalsEjaculationErection Arrector pili MuscleContractRelax GallbladderRelaxesContracts

10 Ultimate Outcome for each System: Autonomic vs. Somatic  Autonomic:  Maintaining homeostasis:  Control glands  Control smooth and cardiac muscle  Somatic:  Self-Preservation:  Control skeletal muscles

11 Ganglionic Fibers  Axons sent into nerves  Synapse with neurons in ganglia first  PREGANGLIONIC FIBERS ARE…  POSTGANGLIONIC FIBERS ARE…

12 Sympathetic System  Preganglionic fibers -Reach spine and leave spine (rami) -Synapse in sympathetic ganglia -Shorter  Postganglionic fibers -Extend from sympathetic ganglia -Longer

13 Parasympathetic System  Preganglionic fibers -Carried by vagus nerves -From brain and spinal chord  ganglia -Longer -Myelinated  Postganglionic fibers -Continue from ganglia  organs -Shorter -Unmyelinated

14 Sympathetic Neurotransmitters  Preganglionic fibers secrete AcH (Acetylcholine)  Cholinergic  Postganglionic fibers secrete NE (Norepinephrine)  Andrenergic

15 Parasympathetic Neurotransmitters  Preganglionic fibers secrete AcH  Postganglionic fibers secrete AcH and Nitric Oxide

16 RECEPTORS  Nicotine AcH Receptor -Strong Muscle contractions -Both sympathetic and parasympathetic  Adrenergic Receptors -Postganglionic neurons -Just sympathetic  Muscarinic AcH Receptors -Receives AcH -Weak Muscle contractions -Just Parasympathetic

17 Termination of Receptors  AcHe (Acetylcholinesterase) breaks down AcH  NE is removed  NE has prolonged effect

18 Bibliography  r/Pharm_PNS_new.pdf r/Pharm_PNS_new.pdf  4/ans.htm 4/ans.htm   Receptors-and-the-autonomic-nervous-system/ Receptors-and-the-autonomic-nervous-system/

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