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ISOM MIS 215 Module 5 – Binary Trees. ISOM Where are we? 2 Intro to Java, Course Java lang. basics Arrays Introduction NewbieProgrammersDevelopersProfessionalsDesigners.

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Presentation on theme: "ISOM MIS 215 Module 5 – Binary Trees. ISOM Where are we? 2 Intro to Java, Course Java lang. basics Arrays Introduction NewbieProgrammersDevelopersProfessionalsDesigners."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISOM MIS 215 Module 5 – Binary Trees

2 ISOM Where are we? 2 Intro to Java, Course Java lang. basics Arrays Introduction NewbieProgrammersDevelopersProfessionalsDesigners MIS215 Binary Search Search Techniques Sorting Techniques Bubblesort Basic Algorithms Fast Sorting algos (quicksort, mergesort) Hashtables Graphs, Trees Linked Lists Stacks, Queues List StructuresAdvanced structures

3 ISOM Today’s buzzwords Key  A component of an object that is typically used for quick retrieval of the object Hashing function  A function that takes an object and generates a number (or some form of an address) to a location where the object should be placed Hash Table  A data structure that stores items in designated places using hashing functions for speeding up key-based search

4 ISOM Hash Tables: A New Data Structure Start with an array that holds the hash table. Use a hash function to take a key and map it to some index in the array. This function will generally map several different keys to the same index. If the desired record is in the location given by the index, then we’re finished, otherwise we must use some method to resolve the collision that may have occurred between two records wanting to go to the same location. This process is called hashing. To use hashing we must  find good hash functions  determine how to resolve collisions

5 ISOM Hash Function Requirements Hash functions must:  Be fast – computed in O(1) time  Distribute keys evenly over the hash table Preferably  All location of hash table should have equal probability of being filled

6 ISOM Collision Resolution with Open Addressing Linear Probing: Linear probing starts with the hash address and searches sequentially for the target key or an empty position. The array should be considered circular, so that when the last location is reached, the search proceeds to the first location of the array. a b c d e f Clustring:

7 ISOM Collision Resolution with Open Addressing(Contd.) Quadratic Probing: If there is a collision at hash address h, quadratic probing goes to location h+1, h+4, h+9,…, that is, at locations h+ i 2 for i=1,2,... Other Methods:  Key-dependent increments;  Random probing

8 ISOM Chained Hash Tables

9 ISOM Issues with Chaining Worst case – all elements map to the same cell – all operations O(N)! Load factor:  Ratio of actual number of elements to maximum possible number of elements Turns out – at high load factors (>0.7) open addressing performs worse than chaining.

10 ISOM Avoid High Load factors! Start with a large enough hash table compared to expected number of entries Rehashing  Once a high load factor is detected, create a new hash table and rehash all elements to the new table

11 ISOM Birthday Surprise: How Collisions are Possible? If 24 or more randomly chosen people are in a room, then it is likely that at least two will share their birthday. For hashing, the birthday surprise says that for any problem of reasonable size, collisions will almost certainly occur.

12 ISOM Comparison of data structures Unorder ed array Ordered array Unorder ed Linked List Ordered Linked List Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Hash Table Insert Remove Find

13 ISOM Summary & Discussion In using a hash table, let the nature of the data and the required operations help you decide between chaining and open addressing. Hash functions must usually be custom-designed for the kind of keys used for accessing the hash table. Recall from the analysis of hashing that some collisions will almost inevitably occur. For open addressing, clustering is unlikely to be a problem until the hash table is more than half full.

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