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Machine Learning – Lecture 15
Efficient MRF Inference with Graph Cuts Bastian Leibe RWTH Aachen TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Announcements Last lecture next Tuesday: Repetition
Summary of all topics in the lecture “Big picture” and current research directions Opportunity to ask questions Please use this opportunity and prepare questions! B. Leibe
Course Outline Fundamentals (2 weeks)
Bayes Decision Theory Probability Density Estimation Discriminative Approaches (5 weeks) Linear Discriminant Functions Statistical Learning Theory & SVMs Ensemble Methods & Boosting Decision Trees & Randomized Trees Generative Models (4 weeks) Bayesian Networks Markov Random Fields Exact Inference B. Leibe
Recap: Junction Tree Algorithm
Motivation Exact inference on general graphs. Works by turning the initial graph into a junction tree and then running a sum-product-like algorithm. Intractable on graphs with large cliques. Main steps If starting from directed graph, first convert it to an undirected graph by moralization. Introduce additional links by triangulation in order to reduce the size of cycles. Find cliques of the moralized, triangulated graph. Construct a new graph from the maximal cliques. Remove minimal links to break cycles and get a junction tree. Apply regular message passing to perform inference. B. Leibe
Recap: Junction Tree Example
Without triangulation step The final graph will contain cycles that we cannot break without losing the running intersection property! B. Leibe Image source: J. Pearl, 1988
Recap: Junction Tree Example
When applying the triangulation Only small cycles remain that are easy to break. Running intersection property is maintained. B. Leibe Image source: J. Pearl, 1988
Recap: MRF Structure for Images
Basic structure Two components Observation model How likely is it that node xi has label Li given observation yi? This relationship is usually learned from training data. Neighborhood relations Simplest case: 4-neighborhood Serve as smoothing terms. Discourage neighboring pixels to have different labels. This can either be learned or be set to fixed “penalties”. Noisy observations “True” image content B. Leibe
Recap: How to Set the Potentials?
Unary potentials E.g. color model, modeled with a Mixture of Gaussians Learn color distributions for each label B. Leibe
Recap: How to Set the Potentials?
Pairwise potentials Potts Model Simplest discontinuity preserving model. Discontinuities between any pair of labels are penalized equally. Useful when labels are unordered or number of labels is small. Extension: “contrast sensitive Potts model” where Discourages label changes except in places where there is also a large change in the observations. B. Leibe
Energy Minimization Goal:
Infer the optimal labeling of the MRF. Many inference algorithms are available, e.g. Simulated annealing Iterated conditional modes (ICM) Belief propagation Graph cuts Variational methods Monte Carlo sampling Recently, Graph Cuts have become a popular tool Only suitable for a certain class of energy functions. But the solution can be obtained very fast for typical vision problems (~1MPixel/sec). What you saw in the movie. Too simple. Last lecture Today! For more complex problems B. Leibe
Topics of This Lecture Solving MRFs with Graph Cuts
Graph cuts for image segmentation s-t mincut algorithm Extension to non-binary case Applications B. Leibe
Graph Cuts for Binary Problems
Idea: convert MRF into source-sink graph s t a cut n-links hard constraint Minimum cost cut can be computed in polynomial time (max-flow/min-cut algorithms) Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe [Boykov & Jolly, ICCV’01]
Simple Example of Energy
unary potentials pairwise potentials t-links n-links s t a cut (binary object segmentation) Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe
Adding Regional Properties
a cut n-links t-link t-link Regional bias example Suppose are given “expected” intensities of object and background NOTE: hard constrains are not required, in general. Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe [Boykov & Jolly, ICCV’01]
Adding Regional Properties
a cut n-links t-link t-link “expected” intensities of object and background can be re-estimated EM-style optimization Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe [Boykov & Jolly, ICCV’01]
Adding Regional Properties
More generally, unary potentials can be based on any intensity/color models of object and background. a cut s t Object and background color distributions Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe [Boykov & Jolly, ICCV’01]
Topics of This Lecture Solving MRFs with Graph Cuts
Graph cuts for image segmentation s-t mincut algorithm Extension to non-binary case Applications Source Sink v1 v2 2 5 9 4 1 B. Leibe
How Does it Work? The s-t-Mincut Problem
Source Sink v1 v2 2 5 9 4 1 Graph (V, E, C) Vertices V = {v1, v2 ... vn} Edges E = {(v1, v2) ....} Costs C = {c(1, 2) ....} Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
The s-t-Mincut Problem
What is an st-cut? An st-cut (S,T) divides the nodes between source and sink. Source 2 9 What is the cost of a st-cut? 1 Sum of cost of all edges going from S to T v1 v2 2 5 4 Sink = 16 Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
The s-t-Mincut Problem
What is an st-cut? An st-cut (S,T) divides the nodes between source and sink. Source 2 9 What is the cost of a st-cut? 1 Sum of cost of all edges going from S to T v1 v2 2 5 4 What is the st-mincut? Sink st-cut with the minimum cost = 7 Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
How to Compute the s-t-Mincut?
Solve the dual maximum flow problem Compute the maximum flow between Source and Sink Source Sink v1 v2 2 5 9 4 1 Constraints Edges: Flow < Capacity Nodes: Flow in = Flow out In every network, the maximum flow equals the cost of the st-mincut Min-cut/Max-flow Theorem Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
History of Maxflow Algorithms
Augmenting Path and Push-Relabel n: #nodes m: #edges U: maximum edge weight Algorithms assume non-negative edge weights Slide credit: Andrew Goldberg B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 0 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 2 5 9 4 1 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 0 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 9 4 2 1 2 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found 5 Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 0 + 2 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 9 4 2 1 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found 2-2 5-2 Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 2 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 9 4 2 1 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found 3 Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 2 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 3 9 4 2 1 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 2 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 3 2 1 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found 9 4 Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 2 + 4 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 3 2 1 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found 5 Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 6 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 3 5 2 1 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 6 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 2 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found 5 1 3 Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 6 + 1 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 2 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found 4 1-1 2 Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 7 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 2 4 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
Maxflow Algorithms Flow = 7 Augmenting Path Based Algorithms Source Sink v1 v2 2 4 Find path from source to sink with positive capacity Push maximum possible flow through this path Repeat until no path can be found Algorithms assume non-negative capacity Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
Applications: Maxflow in Computer Vision
Specialized algorithms for vision problems Grid graphs Low connectivity (m ~ O(n)) Dual search tree augmenting path algorithm [Boykov and Kolmogorov PAMI 2004] Finds approximate shortest augmenting paths efficiently. High worst-case time complexity. Empirically outperforms other algorithms on vision problems. Efficient code available on the web Slide credit: Pushmeet Kohli B. Leibe
When Can s-t Graph Cuts Be Applied?
s-t graph cuts can only globally minimize binary energies that are submodular. Submodularity is the discrete equivalent to convexity. Implies that every local energy minimum is a global minimum. Solution will be globally optimal. unary potentials pairwise potentials t-links n-links [Boros & Hummer, 2002, Kolmogorov & Zabih, 2004] E(L) can be minimized by s-t graph cuts Submodularity (“convexity”) B. Leibe
Recap: Simple Binary Image Denoising Model
MRF Structure Example: simple energy function Smoothness term: fixed penalty ¯ if neighboring labels disagree. Observation term: fixed penalty ´ if label and observation disagree. Noisy observations Observation process “True” image content “Smoothness constraints” Prior Smoothness ("Potts model") Observation B. Leibe Image source: C. Bishop, 2006
Converting an MRF into an s-t Graph
Conversion: Energy: Unary potentials are straightforward to set. How? Just insert xi = 1 and xi = -1 into the unary terms above... Source Sink xi xj B. Leibe
Converting an MRF into an s-t Graph
Conversion: Energy: Unary potentials are straightforward to set. How? Pairwise potentials are more tricky, since we don’t know xi! Trick: the pairwise energy only has an influence if xi xj. (Only!) in this case, the cut will go through the edge {xi,xj}. Source Sink xi xj B. Leibe
Topics of This Lecture Solving MRFs with Graph Cuts
Graph cuts for image segmentation s-t mincut algorithm Extension to non-binary case Applications other labels B. Leibe
Dealing with Non-Binary Cases
Limitation to binary energies is often a nuisance. E.g. binary segmentation only… We would like to solve also multi-label problems. The bad news: Problem is NP-hard with 3 or more labels! There exist some approximation algorithms which extend graph cuts to the multi-label case: -Expansion -Swap They are no longer guaranteed to return the globally optimal result. But -Expansion has a guaranteed approximation quality (2-approx) and converges in a few iterations. B. Leibe
-Expansion Move Basic idea:
Break multi-way cut computation into a sequence of binary s-t cuts. other labels Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe
-Expansion Algorithm
Start with any initial solution For each label “” in any (e.g. random) order: Compute optimal -expansion move (s-t graph cuts). Decline the move if there is no energy decrease. Stop when no expansion move would decrease energy. Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe
Example: Stereo Vision
Depth map ground truth Depth map Original pair of “stereo” images Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe
-Expansion Moves In each -expansion a given label “” grabs space from other labels initial solution -expansion -expansion -expansion -expansion -expansion -expansion -expansion For each move, we choose the expansion that gives the largest decrease in the energy: binary optimization problem Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe
Topics of This Lecture Solving MRFs with Graph Cuts
Graph cuts for image segmentation s-t mincut algorithm Extension to non-binary case Applications B. Leibe
GraphCut Applications: “GrabCut”
Interactive Image Segmentation [Boykov & Jolly, ICCV’01] Rough region cues sufficient Segmentation boundary can be extracted from edges Procedure User marks foreground and background regions with a brush. This is used to create an initial segmentation which can then be corrected by additional brush strokes. Add interactive image segmentation slide Additional segmentation cues User segmentation cues Slide credit: Matthieu Bray
Global optimum of the energy
GrabCut: Data Model Obtained from interactive user input User marks foreground and background regions with a brush Alternatively, user can specify a bounding box Foreground color Background color Global optimum of the energy Slide credit: Carsten Rother B. Leibe
Color model (Mixture of Gaussians) Energy after each iteration
Iterated Graph Cuts Foreground Background G R Foreground & Background Background G R Color model (Mixture of Gaussians) 1 2 3 4 Result Energy after each iteration Slide credit: Carsten Rother B. Leibe
GrabCut: Example Results
This is included in the newest version of MS Office! B. Leibe Image source: Carsten Rother
Applications: Interactive 3D Segmentation
Slide credit: Yuri Boykov B. Leibe [Y. Boykov, V. Kolmogorov, ICCV’03]
Bayesian Networks What we’ve learned so far…
We know they are directed graphical models. Their joint probability factorizes into conditional probabilities, We know how to convert them into undirected graphs. We know how to perform inference for them. Sum/Max-Product BP for exact inference in (poly)tree-shaped BNs. Loopy BP for approximate inference in arbitrary BNs. Junction Tree algorithm for converting arbitrary BNs into trees. But what are they actually good for? How do we apply them in practice? And how do we learn their parameters? B. Leibe Image source: C. Bishop, 2006
References and Further Reading
A gentle introduction to Graph Cuts can be found in the following paper: Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, Graph Cuts in Vision and Graphics: Theories and Applications. In Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision, edited by N. Paragios, Y. Chen and O. Faugeras, Springer, 2006. Try the GraphCut implementation at B. Leibe
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