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Presentation on theme: "REFERENCE: “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR GAMES”, IAN MILLINGTON. A* (A-STAR)"— Presentation transcript:


2 GOALS Find a “pretty-short” path from point A to point B. The best path is often prohibitively expensive to find. S G

3 GRAPH-BASED ALGORITHM Graph Vertices (Nodes) Edges Single edge Double edge Cost (For map traversal), distance is the norm Cost multiplier (>1) for rough terrain. Representation Adjacency Matrix Adjacency List

4 GRAPH NODES VS. SEARCH NODES 0 3 4 1 2 5 6 Graph 6.0 3.0 1.0 9.0 4.0 3.0 Start == 0, Goal == 6 Search Tree 0 3 4 1 5 6 There are usually many search trees for the same graph. 2.0

5 GRAPH NODES VS. SEARCH NODES, CONT. One approach: GraphNode(id, …) Id … Neighbor_ pointers = […] # Or this could be stored in map SearchNode(graphNode Pointer, parent) Parent is None for the starting node Create a search node as you traverse the graph.

6 DEPTH-FIRST SEARCH S 0 8 6 3 5 4 7 1 2 G Need a (bool) visited value for each graph node (to prevent re-visiting). Visit a (“random”) new node from the current node. Total Cost is the edge cost of all edges traversed. We have to try all possible search graphs to find the least costly path – EXPENSIVE! 10.0 3.5 4.5 2.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 1.5 6.0 3.5 3.0 Total=17 Total=19

7 BREADTH-FIRST SEARCH S 0 8 6 3 5 4 7 1 2 G 10.0 3.5 4.5 2.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 1.5 6.0 3.5 3.0 Need a list of “frontier” nodes and a (bool) visited flag. Expand the frontier by one hop each iteration. We end up with several search trees. Problem: A lot of search trees – MEMORY + TIME INTENSIVE (especially for large graphs). The search trees are dependent on the graph structure (2=>6 vs 0=>6)

8 HEURISTICS "A trial-and-error guess ". Used a lot in AI Often leads to an OK solution (but much more quickly) when compared to an exhaustive search In A*: an estimate of how far a given node is from the goal state. Accuracy is critical to good performance of A* For path-finding, often use the straight-line distance. Or c * dist (where c >= 1.0) We'll store 3 things for each search node: The parent search node (if any) The cost-so-far value (g) The cost-heuristic (h) A* is basically a "best-first" search (based on g and h)

9 OPEN, CLOSED “LISTS” We'll maintain two "lists" of search nodes: OPEN: Those on the search "frontier" CLOSED: Those we've already visited anything not on these lists is unexplored The graph node doesn't have a search node. Often more efficient to maintain: A Priority Queue for OPEN A state variable for each search node (OPEN or CLOSED)

10 A* ALGORITHM 1.Create search node for Start Node a)Parent = None, Cost-so-far = 0, H = (distance to goal) 2.Add this new node to OPEN 3.Repeat these steps as long as OPEN isn’t empty. a)Take the best node, C, off OPEN i.If C is the goal, construct a Graph-node sequence and return. ii.If not, add C to CLOSED. b)Repeat for each of C's neighbors, N : i.If N is unexplored, create a Search Node for it and add it to OPEN. ii.If N is on OPEN and path from C c.s.f. + cost(C,N) < N c.s.f. : Update the parent and cost-so-far of N Reheapify that node on OPEN iii.If N is on CLOSED and path from C c.s.f. + cost(C,N) < N c.s.f. : remove it from CLOSED and put it on OPEN Update the parent and cost-so-far of N #NOTE: This case shouldn't happen if your heuristic is well- formed 4.Return False (no path found)

11 MINHEAP + A* A* uses this as its "metric" CostSoFar (actual cost from start to this node) + Heuristic (estimated cost from this node to the goal) Note: The heuristic is almost always an under- estimate. So…we give priority to those nodes that appear to take us closer to the goal.

12 UNDER-/OVER-ESTIMATING HEURISTIC Very important to get as close as possible! 0 => breadth-first search. The closer they get to the real cost, the more the "countours" will bend towards the goal. >= actual cost => explore all nodes. Too high => find a "bad" path before a "good" Too low => look at too many nodes.

13 NAV-MESHES A common way to represent: Walkable areas of a map. Cover-spots Jumping-points (to cross a chasm) Ladders Save points, ammo drops, etc. Key Ideas: Not usually visible Usually much lower poly-count than the actual ground

14 NAV-MESHES, CONT. Display Mesh (16541 faces) Nav Mesh (301 faces)

15 NAV-MESHES, CONT. We can use these for pathfinding… Nodes are faces (their center?) Edges are connections between neighboring faces Cost is just the euclidean distance between centers. Probably best done off-line Finding neighbors can be costly.


17 A* VARIANTS / IMPROVEMENTS IDA* Iterative Deepening Algorithm Slightly slower, but less memory than A* Pruning A* often produces "jerky" paths Some post-processing makes the paths nicer Curves Simplification / pruning. Saving the results Often (esp. in games), the new search is similar to the last (except perhaps the first and last nodes) – temporal coherency. You can eliminate long searches by re-using parts of the last search.



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